Example sentences of "would [be] a mistake [to-vb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 But it would be a mistake to suppose that a written sentence has no phonology .
2 The sentences in Task 11 are packed with cohesive devices , but it would be a mistake to suppose that it is this , and nothing else , which creates the unity between them .
3 In particular , it would be a mistake to suppose that the causes and remedies of the prison numbers crisis are to be found simply by looking at the final stages of the process , namely the custodial decisions of the courts .
4 Rolle stresses at the beginning the joy which is the obverse of the discipline : But although it is characteristic of Rolle 's writing to stress the joy of the contemplative , it would be a mistake to suppose that he ever suggests that the passage to it is easy : At the very start he warns against the specific danger attendant on solitary life — hallucination ; a point to remember when considering the arguments of those who tend to be distrustful of Rolle 's theology .
5 But it would be a mistake to conclude that the results must be similar .
6 On the other hand , it would be a mistake to conclude that the urban-rural shift is a spent force .
7 It would be a mistake to assume that sleep is a period when the body is marking time and just ticking over idly .
8 While it may be true to say that the one predominates in Christianity and the other in such Eastern religions as Buddhism and Hinduism , it would be a mistake to assume that Christianity is devoid of the principle of identity or that Buddhism and Hinduism are devoid of the principle of participation .
9 However , it would be a mistake to assume that the group backs the action of Father James Morrow as Tony Golding , chairman of Colchester LIFE group , explained .
10 Although the lesions that produce the speech loss are localized it would be a mistake to assume that their effects are similarly restricted .
11 It would be a mistake to assume that all multinational companies which are established in a number of European countries necessarily thereby reap enormous advantages and profits .
12 Images of femininity and masculinity vary significantly by ethnicity ; it would be a mistake to assume that the patterns among British whites are to be found among black people .
13 It would be a mistake to assume that the various strata of middle-class ‘ society ’ would naturally press for liberal reform .
14 However , it would be a mistake to assume that the behaviour of insects is based solely on instinct .
15 But it would be a mistake to assume that Prime Ministers are necessarily mouth-pieces of their Lord Chancellors when making the most senior appointments .
16 However , it would be a mistake to assume that the differences within regions are any less significant .
17 Whilst it is true that the summit meeting of heads of state and government ( prime ministers and presidents ) in Stuttgart in 1983 adopted a Solemn Declaration of European Union , it would be a mistake to assume that the prime ministers and presidents and the European Parliamentarians were on the same wavelength .
18 It would be a mistake to assume that all participants in the revolt were involved in it for the same reasons .
19 Thus although much has been achieved , it would be a mistake to believe that most of the problems have been solved .
20 But it would be a mistake to believe that from the beginning Baldwin exercised all the power and merely allowed MacDonald to sit in impotent glory in 10 Downing Street .
21 It would be a mistake to suggest that there were no direct links between business and local government at this time and , indeed , it may be justified to acknowledge that they were becoming more important and more regular through various forms of consultation .
22 Although the three powers we have just outlined were the principal measures available to the police to prevent or to control public assemblies , it would be a mistake to think that they were the only ones .
23 While an enormous amount of energy and enthusiasm was expended on GLC-related projects , it would be a mistake to think that they were greeted with uncritical acclaim by all lesbians and gays .
24 Edwin and Robert Grabhorn , who founded the Grabhorn Press in San Francisco in 1920 , worked so amicably together that it was said of them : ‘ When Ed 's away the shop goes to pieces ; when Bob 's away , Ed goes to pieces ’ ; but it would be a mistake to think that relationships between printers were always so harmonious .
25 Certainly personal affection and the admiring contemplation of beautiful objects involve consciousness , although it would be a mistake to think that there is no more to their value than comes simply from the kind of consciousness involved .
26 But it would be a mistake to think that Richard was indifferent to the attractions of a plenary indulgence .
27 The comments above by Sisam ( 1915 ) and Hall ( 1920 ) arise directly from Skeats 's views , and , although these comments were made a long time ago , it would be a mistake to think that the Anglo-Norman argument has now been abandoned .
28 But it would be a mistake to imagine that the anchorage was a tiny , smelly little room , as it is sometimes depicted .
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