Example sentences of "can [adv] longer [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 hence she questions whether we can any longer construe a notion of ‘ outer space ’ , the space beyond the frame within which images or ideas are traditionally secured .
2 Women bear children in rapid succession when young and when they can no longer face the prospect of another child , they choose sterilization because it exempts them from having to take conscious and continuing responsibility for their own fertility in a culture which constantly denies women this right .
3 Urueu-Wau-Wau indian leaders have said in a statement to Survival International that they can no longer tolerate the invasion of miners and loggers on to their land .
4 The novel proves that knowledge is possible , but also that it is in a sense artificial : it does not come from the past , historical knowledge in particular can not simply be uncovered , laid bare and put out to view ( or rather , the novelist can no longer create the illusion that the past is speaking for itself ) ; it is a construction of the past , and the reader is conscious of , and in compliance with , the careful disposition and organization of the disparate elements that go to make up the whole edifice .
5 Great wealth can no longer disguise an absence of true values : the mirrors in Mr Dombey 's ice-palace reflect the chilling image of a marriage based on purchase ; the roses on his wallpaper and carpets are set about with thorns .
6 The Library 's ability to satisfy requests by photocopies from stock has virtually ceased , because Reference Services staff can no longer handle the work involved .
7 We can no longer blame the board as they are producing the funds for new players , is it Paul Malone 's fault , or the players ?
8 Outsiders , even those who were until recently insiders , can not penetrate the ranks of the insiders and , as a result , can no longer influence the course of wage bargaining .
9 We can no longer treat the atmosphere above us like a dustbin , and the seas around us like a sewer .
10 The ability of ion exchange resin to remove calcium and magnesium ions is finite ; that is to say , when it has given up all its sodium ions it can no longer soften the water .
11 Yet if Althorp loses that personal touch , if it can no longer offer the chance to take tea with a relative of the Princess of Wales , will it still pull in the crowds ?
12 He left behind him a police force outraged by his treachery and a judicial establishment unable to believe that , for the first time , a South African policeman was prepared to tell all about the dirty tricks departments , the hit squads , the assassination detachments and the enormous , shabby , meritorious , violent conspiracy so interwoven into the blood and guts of the South African security services that its agents can no longer tell the difference between criminal pursuits and active police work .
13 The response of Dr P to communications , it will be remembered , is that it ignores the aesthetic , that it is so obsessed with ‘ ideological statements and political texts ’ that it can no longer make a distinction between good and bad .
14 The base can no longer support the half-span which snaps off .
15 Although it still contains air , it can no longer support the weight of the car .
16 The family need to feel that the reasons they can no longer support the relative in the community are recognised as valid .
17 In addition , there are many more millions of migrants and what might be termed environmental refugees — people leaving because of natural disasters or because the land , as the result of soil erosion , deforestation and the spread of deserts , can no longer support the population .
18 The point should also be made that practitioners facing potential limitation problems in claims valued at less than £50,000 can no longer employ the expedient of issuing a writ at the last moment before the limitation period expires .
19 This spreadsheet is to be used to keep weekly scores for 16 boys and the problem it posed is that when you want to type in scores for weeks in the second half of the year or for Harry , Ian and John and so on whose names are entered to the right of the spreadsheet , you can no longer see the row and column labels — unless you freeze these titles .
20 She can no longer see the water maiden .
21 That the consequence of this is that we can no longer take the view of females as being passive victims of male advances .
22 All but the far right have acknowledged the need to develop a more skilled workforce , since whites can no longer fill the demand .
23 If this is an alternative , let it be aired before it is too late to act , for the quality for life of ourselves and for our children rests upon our careful deliberation and action now : We can no longer afford the luxury of complacency and continuous contingency reactions
24 In such circumstances the individual can not think entirely of himself , and certainly the therapist can no longer afford the luxury of ignoring everything that is going on outside the consulting room ; finally , in the specific circumstances of psychoanalytic theory , the individualistic fallacy can no longer go unchallenged .
25 She ca n't afford to buy records and books , she can no longer afford the rent on her black-and-white TV , and she is now in debt after paying the final instalment of her poll tax for 1991 .
26 The greatest sting , it seems , lies with credit cards which were issued almost indiscriminately in the booming Eighties , but now many people find they can no longer afford the interest charges levied .
27 One of the detrimental effects that Professor Taylor has observed is that managers can no longer find the time to go on external training courses .
28 In male sterilisation , or vasectomy , the tubes ( the vas deferens ) through which sperm travel from the testes to the penis , are cut or blocked so that sperm can no longer enter the ejaculate ( the fluid released when a man reaches climax ) .
29 The tubes through which sperm travel from the testes to the penis are cut or blocked so that sperm can no longer enter the semen that is ejaculated when the man ‘ comes ’ .
30 Cost-cutters who wo n't pay out the extra for ‘ traditional ’ , ‘ free-range ’ , ‘ conservation grade ’ or ‘ organic ’ can no longer put the blame for cruelty to animals on the factory farmers .
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