Example sentences of "can [adv] be reduced to a " in BNC.

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1 What we are looking at is the development of a decentralised approach to management which by definition can not be reduced to a few single issues , although the level of management self-awareness is critical in all of them .
2 Messenger is not , of course , suggesting that women 's writing in the period is so fragmented that the concept is basically useless , but that the writing of women can not be reduced to a single critical proposition .
3 Rather than seeing labourism within the narrow confines of a trade union dominated political intervention at the level of the state , I wish to consider it as a political culture within working-class experience at all levels , which can not be reduced to a bourgeois ethos , and which has as a major component ( but only a component ) the Labour Party .
4 Task analysis has not and can not be reduced to a set of standardised procedures which the aspiring analyst could acquire in a formal training course .
5 He has pointed out that both our own experience and Marx 's writings suggest that changes result from a disparate collection of circumstances which can not be reduced to a single contradiction , but are jointly sufficient for a situation to become volatile .
6 This somewhat schematic listing will serve to illustrate that sexual behaviour and its regulation can not be reduced to a simple explanatory factor ; nor can there be a simple , straightforward history .
7 These codes are quite different from the models of poetics because they can not be reduced to a structure , and consequently the text itself can not in turn be reduced to a structural homology of a code .
8 Notable among these is the fact that the mismatch of range is even greater than in the case of the prenominal adjectives ; it is true that one can usually expand a postnominal adjective to a relative clause containing be , though we should certainly note cases like : ( 31 ) he is dreaming of the whisky which will be galore with her arms which were akimbo she stared at Victor food which is aplenty is on sale in the end tent however , there is not the slightest difficulty about producing numerous examples where the relative clause with be is fully satisfactory but can not be reduced to a grammatical postnominal adjective .
9 Health policy can not be reduced to a purely rational technical process even if the means were available .
10 And , politics well aside , what unites them is precisely their purity , the fact that they can both be reduced to a matter of pure taste .
11 Accompaniment can sometimes be reduced to a very simple harmonic background with very little movement .
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