Example sentences of "if she have had a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If Mrs Marr knew a bit of human anatomy , for example , if she 'd had a medical training or been a PE teacher something like that , she 'd have a better chance of being competent , by which I mean lethal .
2 What if she had had a threatening letter which worried her enough to make her turn to pills ? ’
3 All this seems a very curious — indeed an eccentric — arrangement on the part of Nature who , if she had had a proper training in the theory of fibrous composite materials , would surely have known better .
4 Dionne said : ‘ Well , if she 's had a necking session or two with you , you wicked dyke , she 's obviously interested . ’
5 She sounded as if she 's had a few .
6 And if she 's had a few your a stupid fucker for even being
7 The last vestiges of their former jolly sound has been drowned in swathes of layered , fuzzy guitar and Julianne sounds as if she 's had a surgical appliance attached to her vocal chords .
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