Example sentences of "if [pers pn] 'd just [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She looked small , frail , and feeble ; her face was dazed and vacant , as if she 'd just been woken up and could n't quite remember where she was .
2 Then drew back quickly , as if she 'd just been burned .
3 We 'd been discussing something else , and I said it out of the blue , but in my mind it was as if we 'd just been talking about Oliver , and the way she answered , as if she thought we 'd just been talking about Oliver too and there was n't any break in that conversation even though we 'd been through lots of different subjects in the meantime , made me feel very cheerful .
4 His expression was severe and disapproving as if he 'd just been sucking on a slice of lemon .
5 If he 'd just been trying to clear the hell out , then it meant there were probably other FAKINTIL escapers at large who had n't been able to make it back to the mountains either .
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