Example sentences of "if [pron] was supposed to [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was n't sure if I was supposed to be wandering round , and I was going to bring Gwendoline Bear with me for company , but she does n't like strangers , so I came by myself . ’
2 Not sure where to go , or even if she was supposed to be wandering around , she followed the sound of voices to a room at the back of the house .
3 So , if she was supposed to be his girlfriend , what was she doing staying home nights ?
4 Theodora wondered if there was supposed to be an agreed format for this sort of information but failed to detect any .
5 Later at Clarissa 's theatre she wanted to know why if he was supposed to be a soldier , he was n't confined to barracks or whatever they did to recruits .
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