Example sentences of "'s [vb pp] all [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although he 's travelled all over the world taking stills , Mexico and the Bahamas last year , Thailand and Kampuchea before that , of all the beautiful places he 's visited and the stunning scenery he 's witnessed , his favourite place is the bottom of the sea .
2 ‘ It 's used all over the world — hotel trade jargon .
3 ‘ Do n't be so modest , Archie , ’ said Robins , adding for my benefit , ‘ The colonel is responsible for all manner of things — the daily radio link — ‘ the sked ’ as it 's known all over the Pacific-crime and punishment , what happens if the electricity breaks down . ’
4 ‘ Why somebody 's left an 'ole choc-ice on the floor , and it 's run all over the place .
5 They 've nae room for it , here at Kelvingrove , so it 's kept all over the west of Scotland hidden away . ’
6 The poem you 're about to hear is one that 's recited all over the country on Remembrance Day — the fourth verse , in particular , you 'll hear recited on its own or see inscribed on war memorials .
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