Example sentences of "their lack of [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Women are not , however , forced into the worst aspects of this trade by their lack of money to the same extent as they used to be .
2 British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher rebukes some European countries for their lack of support in the Gulf .
3 As good students of Lenin , the Romanian leaders needed no reminding of the short-sighted lust for profit of many capitalists and their lack of concern for the public interest , in their own countries or abroad .
4 In the past few weeks , some 30,000 East Germans have expressed their lack of faith in the GDR 's future by abandoning their homes and , often , their relatives for the freedom of the West .
5 Next we look at the characteristics of the casual labour force , and we conclude by considering the relevance of their lack of coverage by the principal provisions of employment protection legislation .
6 Astronomers made strenuous efforts to observe Vulcan , generally attributing their lack of success to the fact that a small body so close to the Sun would be incredibly difficult to detect .
7 Their lack of enthusiasm for the venture obviously disgusted him .
8 Dissident Conservatives , for instance Churchill or Eden , were not welcomed as prospective allies , because of their expressed hostility to the Soviet Government and their lack of sympathy with the Spanish Republicans .
9 Oh I I would be it would be nonsense to say that there has n't been failings of the system , sometimes through the carelessness of an officer , sometimes , certainly in the initial stage , because of their lack of awareness of the er provisions of the act .
10 A further advantage of electric vehicles is their lack of effect on the environment .
11 The third matter disclosed by the additional evidence was , as the appellants claim , their lack of understanding of the legal process or the terminology of the documents involved .
12 Historically , they were exploited because of their lack of understanding of the complex regulations related to the status of ‘ independent contractor , ’ and in this respect I agree that proper vocational training would have been beneficial .
13 Arguing that the curriculum of the working-class pupils should be specially chosen to suit their environment , experiences and abilities , they indicate their lack of interest in the question of academic achievement with its possibility of pupils ' upward social mobility .
14 Prison officers are repeatedly subject to abuses from the Government about their lack of commitment to the job that they do .
15 Despite their lack of familiarity with the product type , the distributors managed to attract customers on the basis of Komatsu 's product and price advantages .
16 Ben-Ner ( 1984 : 248 ) , for example , cites , among explanations for the high incidence of liquidations of producer cooperatives , ‘ their inability to settle personal disputes , their lack of discipline in the absence of a central monitor [ and ] their low motivation caused by excessive egalitarianism ’ .
17 Teachers with interests in , and commitments to , humanities , English and creative and expressive arts felt ill-at-ease with teaching science and mathematics , not just because of their lack of confidence with the subject ( though this was important ) , but also because of their discomfort with the very different pedagogies , very different ways of relating to children they felt were associated with those other subjects .
18 The public 's lack of confidence in the National Health Service is in direct proportion to their lack of confidence in the Government 's promises .
19 Financial markets have demonstrated their lack of confidence in the monetary targetry embodied in the MTFS .
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