Example sentences of "has [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] period " in BNC.

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1 The relationship between fertility rates and mortality rates has created a population structure which has varied substantially during the period in question .
2 Hunterston Power Station has operated continuously throughout the period generating 317.7 GWHrs of electricity .
3 The flow meter measurements tell the engineer how much water has moved where over a period of time .
4 Garside ( 1988 ) has shown how in the period 1919–23 civil servants wrestled with the requirement to indicate action , but without generating demands that could not be satisfied .
5 Interviews with the head , senior staff , teacher-librarians and members of the library committee disclose a large measure of agreement that the use made of the library by many of the departments and courses has increased substantially in the period covered by the project .
6 Pressure to publish is accepted as a normal feature of research work , but publication of Ph D results before or very soon after completion of the thesis has increased considerably in the period after 1977 .
7 Pressure to publish is accepted as a normal feature of research work , but publication of Ph D results before or very soon after completion of the thesis has increased considerably in the period after 1977 .
8 It is clear that insubstantial changes will not give rise to a new copyright ( or right to prevent unfair extraction ) but what is the position when a database has changed considerably from its original form but this has happened incrementally over a period of time ?
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