Example sentences of "been sent to the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well , I have practised yoga for many years , but then I met a Jesuit priest who had been sent to the Far East by the Catholic Church to experience the Buddhist way and see how it might relate to Catholic worship .
2 Affidavits from the defendants ' solicitors established that the photocopy affidavit was supplied to them by the second defendant for the purposes of seeking legal advice in circumstances where litigation was contemplated , but did not indicate whether the photocopy sent was a photocopy which the second defendant made for the purpose of instructing his solicitors or a photocopy which had been sent to the second defendant by the employee himself , prepared for the employee 's own purposes which had nothing whatever to do with the defendants obtaining legal advice from their soliticors .
3 Envoys have already been sent to the Norwegian court to apprise King Eric of the circumstances and to beg him to send the Maid back to Scotland as soon as possible .
4 Frances Foote-Wood , Liberal Democrat northern regional organiser , said mail in Stockton had been sent to the wrong areas and in Bishop Auckland constituency some people still had not received leaflets yesterday .
5 The appellant claimed that they had been sent to the wrong office .
6 A total of £1,240.00 has been sent to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children as a result of the various efforts of the children and staff .
7 When I got there I discovered that I had been sent to the schizophrenic ward .
8 He said a petition containing 500 names over 95pc of households in the village had been sent to the Welsh Office calling for a second public meeting .
9 No communication has been sent to the British Government about European reference prices , so I have not had a chance to study those , but I pay full tribute to the improvement in productivity .
10 ‘ It is a matter of policy that we do not comment on any private correspondence which has been sent to the national secretary . ’
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