Example sentences of "been found [prep] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , gastric somatostatin concentrations have been found to be low after long term omeprazole treatment in rats , and thirdly , exogenous administration of somatostatin to hypergastrinaemia patients has been shown to inhibit significantly gastrin release .
2 Recent prospective studies have been unable to confirm a linear relationship between alcohol intake and the development of cirrhosis , and even for steatosis , the severity has been found to be unrelated to the amount , duration , or type of alcohol consumed .
3 Even if the contribution of bronchial asthma to cause of death is interpreted generously — for example , part I of the death certificate states death from asthma and part II states chronic obstructive airways disease — only 63 of 100 deaths have so far been found to be attributable to asthma .
4 For day to day purposes a knowledge of the following has generally been found to be useful to practising managers :
5 ( Inimical means that certain remedies have been found to be similar in their action that prescribing them in succession leads to aggravation e.g. Mercury and Silica should n't follow each other without interposing some other remedy ) 2 ) The beauty of the LM system is encompassed in its ability to fulfill §.2 of The Organon :
6 The determination of proliferation indices in colonic epithelium by BrdU incorporation in colonic biopsies and subsequent immunocytochemical detection has been found to be equivalent to the standard autoradiographic method by our group ( unpublished data ) .
7 The design of the situation and the process should adhere to standard practices which have been found to be helpful by experience and commonsense .
8 The role of the media in public disorder has been found to be consistent across different historical periods , geographical locations and types of disorder .
9 Again , it has been found to be uncommon among those living on traditional unprocessed foods .
10 Rentokil Tropical Plants make the work environment more pleasant and healthier through the use of attractive indoor plants , many of which have been found to be effective in absorbing air pollutants in the office environment .
11 This has been found to be effective in the USA .
12 The absorption of ingested polyethylene glycols ( PEGs ) has been found to be normal in patients with active ulcerative colitis .
13 Two of three decorative diamond shapes on the faces of his Merit PL irons had been found to be illegal by the United States Golf Association but their faxed message to the manufacturers arrived after Nelson had begun his round .
14 Recently some migrant African and Chinese populations have also been found to be susceptible to non-insulin dependent diabetes , and people of European origin might be the only true ‘ low susceptibility ’ group .
15 The basic model has been found to be applicable in a wide area extending from Germany in the east , to onshore U.K. in the west .
16 Modems in Computer Room had been found to be incompatible with our telephone system and should be disposed of .
17 The molecular mechanisms for a number of these sub-glass transition relaxations have now been established , and by way of illustration some examples of group motions that have been found to be active in a series of poly ( alkyl methacrylate ) s will be described .
18 A most probable value of 2.5 × 10 23 has been found to be acceptable for most flexible heterodisperse polymers in good solvents .
19 The all-over sole pattern has been found to be short of downhill adhesion and has disappeared from the market .
20 As lack of discipline at home had been found to be important to later sociopathy , she recommended improved discipline at school for such at-risk youngsters : a more vigorous role in preventing truancy , supervision for completion of assignments , controlled use of leisure time and so on .
21 The olfactory channel is used and has been found to be important in making judgements about a person being ‘ good ’ or ‘ bad ’ !
22 A third of vehicles on sale at used car dealers have been found to be unfit for the road , leaving their buyers with big repair bills .
23 Instead , Sisson maintains that the real reason is that in Britain multi-employer bargaining has increasingly been found to be incapable of performing what employers regard as its major function , namely the neutralisation of the workplace from the activities of trade unions .
24 However , the same has again been found to be true of some normal schizotypal individuals and , notably , the genetically related children of schizophrenics .
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