Example sentences of "an eye [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have experience in management , coaching , administration and I have an eye for a good player . ’
2 An eye for a good outfit is something that both the Minogue girls share .
3 He became a household name after his role as the caddish Ralph Gorse in The Charmer — and even in those Lloyds Bank ads , he plays a smoothie with an eye for a pretty girl .
4 ‘ I could be quite wrong here , but amongst the French soldiers likely to attend the opera is one of exalted rank , married to an ageing but unfaithful wife , and with an eye for a pretty woman … ’
5 Those with an eye for a lucrative deal raced to convert every spare inch of space — from barns and warehouses to derelict docksides — into fashionable homes .
6 As a former building contractor , he had an eye for a sound investment in bricks and mortar .
7 They also have an eye for a catchy phrase .
8 Tottenham chief executive Terry Venables has arranged for Lazio to return in November , and Alan Sugar , chairman of Tottenham Hotspur plc , said : ‘ Those with an eye for a popular event will immediately recognise the potential of these fixtures .
9 She is intelligent , sensitive , and has an eye for an elegant fabric .
10 She had an eye for the clean lines of a good design , did n't she ?
11 There was a certain entrepreneurial spirit about our man ; he seems to have had an eye for the main chance , and at no time more so than in 1854 , when he left behind the delights of Hoxton and begun a brief flirtation with the idea of running a lodging house .
12 But an eye for the main chance and a shrewd business brain have also pushed him along .
13 And being a conniving little toady with an eye for the main chance , he proclaimed that the second should equal exactly the time it took to say ‘ praise Caesar ’ .
14 ‘ People who always have an eye for the main chance !
15 The seduction scene afterwards must have been done with an eye for the main chance , before the opportunity disappeared …
16 It 's not satire exactly , since Hayworth has too kindly an eye for the human condition .
17 They conclude : ‘ We therefore approach the passive with an eye to a bold simplification of the problems of meaning .
18 However , with an eye to the other organisations , the sound of pedals being rotated backwards has been deafening .
19 From this again , if we read with an eye to the preceding context , we can draw further conclusions of a social nature .
20 You have , by nature , a great deal of common sense , and should life become unexpectedly eventful of confusing , the important thing is to meet things head on with Capricornian determination , and always with an eye to the long-term future .
21 I acknowledge that we must have an eye to the international experience , and our work internationally is to try to ensure that other countries , too , put up their premiums in a way that sensibly recognises the problems of such cover throughout the world .
22 Within Japanese organization practices , work in the internal labour market seems to be designed with an eye to the collective worker rather than in opposition to the collective worker .
23 The shortness of the supporting bracket was dictated partly by aesthetics , partly by safety and partly with an eye to the future construction of a reserved track on the seaward side of the traction poles .
24 This able and likeable man was admirably adaptable to circumstances and had something of an eye to the main chance .
25 A fish with an eye to the main chance .
26 Certainly , there remain some domains of research which are disinterested , but the incentive to have an eye to the main chance grows .
27 All of these specialists must be chosen with care and with an eye to the particular skills required .
28 Similarly , David Tagg of Grand Metropolitan referred to using headhunters when he had an eye on a specific person within another company : a headhunter could discreetly and confidentially find out if that person might consider moving , before the name of the interested party , i.e. Grand Metropolitan , need be revealed .
29 But it 's important we keep other An eye on the other things , keep other things ticking over and things like the hormone cream and the lithium will be a help in that .
30 I felt incredibly well , but he said to keep an eye on the swollen gland and to see him immediately if it grew in size .
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