Example sentences of "an [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 Then , with Leeds still hopeful of prising an away goal to take back to Elland Road , they were caught out on the break with Andreas Buch beating Lukic with an angled shot into a corner eight minutes from time .
2 An old man in the corner sang Where the water lilies grow And on the jukebox , Johnny sang about a thing called love And it 's how 're ya kid and what 's your name and how 'd you bloody know …
3 ‘ I 'll be over there , ’ Graham cut in sharply and indicated an empty table in the corner of the room .
4 Heads were lolling , one uncle was snuffling in sleep already , from an easy chair in the corner .
5 A girl in a duffel coat and jeans was taking an early lunch in the corner , reading a magazine and eating a sandwich from an open plastic container on the seat beside her .
6 I forgot eggs , ’ he called , and scampered off down the stairs to get some from an early dairy around the corner .
7 Helping herself to what looked like a gin and tonic — and was a very strong one , she found when she tasted it — as well as a tiny chicken and mushroom vol-au-vent , she was about to make a beeline for an unoccupied chair in the corner when a stranger spoke beside her .
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