Example sentences of "we have [vb pp] a great deal " in BNC.

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1 We 've achieved a great deal .
2 ‘ In the past 50 years we 've done a great deal of abolition .
3 But then , of course , in the last year we 've seen a great deal of each other .
4 Although we 've advanced a great deal in the last fifty years , we still have a way to go and our self esteem is lower than men .
5 Wembley 's Martin Corrie said : ‘ We 've spent a great deal of money substantially improving our toilets and we 're in the process of installing additional facilities for ladies .
6 Colleagues , I know that people are starting to move out , and I 'm sure that it 's got nothing to do with Mick 's appearance at the rostrum , but colleagues seriously , seriously for the last couple of days we 've had a great deal of disciplines so please try and be as quiet as possible .
7 And , and Chairman , that we 've had support , we 've had a great deal of help from party in Europe and it 's kept us informed
8 And we 've had a great deal of helpful cooperation and it 's very much erm going right into the schools , right into the whole system of government and control of the schools , erm and I think again is going to produce some very interesting results before too long .
9 All these questions were dealt with fully during the course , so Derek and I felt that we had learnt a great deal of new and fascinating information that we just could n't have got out of books .
10 We have completed a great deal and the team knows exactly how a thing must be done , so it is simply a question of completing the sequence , designing our record packaging , and also seeing how the market is developing for the video players and monitors .
11 We have heard a great deal about the upheavals in Eastern Europe in recent months .
12 We have heard a great deal about the assistance that will be given to buy-outs .
13 It was sold as part of the National Bus Company sale to a company about which we have heard a great deal in our deliberations , Stagecoach , which is based in Perth .
14 On the distinction between education and training , we have done a great deal to bring together the best of education and of training .
15 ‘ Our intention was always to purchase a CT scanner in our business plan this year and we have done a great deal of work , ’ he said .
16 On the contrary , it draws attention to the dangers of introducing western technology outside , and even in the west it 's a good illustration this of the extent to which or work in countries overseas has relevance for Britain , because we have done a great deal of work on the implications for the unemployment problem of having technology which requires too much capital , which has a very ratio of capital to labour .
17 We have repaid a great deal of debt over recent years .
18 Since the end of the war , we have lost a great deal more of our forest land .
19 He added : ‘ We have achieved a great deal together over the past six years .
20 Tim Holton said : ‘ We have achieved a great deal in a short time but there is still a long way to go .
21 We have spent a great deal of time recognising and analysing the political problems we face and comparatively less time looking at ways to get rid of them .
22 The Mnchener is suing Atlantic Richfield for nearly $150m , alleging that the company knew that the products the unit was developing would never be commercially viable , and according to the Wall Street Journal citing electronic mail messages , one of which says that as it appears the development ‘ is a pipe dream , let Siemens have the pipe , ’ and another that says ‘ We will attempt to finesse past Siemens the fact that we have had a great deal of trouble in successfully transitioning technology from the laboratory to the factory ’ ; Atlantic Richfield denies attempting to mislead Siemens over the unit .
23 The reason why we have not been able to debate the report is that we have had a great deal of other business to do .
24 However , the Select Committee report is based on clean coal technology , on which we have taken a great deal of evidence from expert witnesses .
25 Social services chairman Bob Pitt said : ‘ We have put a great deal of effort into preparing contracts , which we believe are both fair to the homes and ensure that resources are used effectively . ’
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