Example sentences of "as they walked [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As they walked round to the back door , Ben , Simon 's dog , came lolloping up the beach , charged at Marie with a stick in his mouth and laid it down carefully at her feet .
2 He did n't touch her as they walked casually up the winding road to the high point .
3 The camera was set up to cover the interior of the store , and the images of the men , filmed as they walked past on the pavement outside , are not clear .
4 He took her hand as they walked slowly along the cliff edge , and a feeling of peace and security swept over her .
5 All the same , they both felt rather squashed as they walked on to the farmhouse .
6 As they walked up towards the main road , he was surprised to see her turn round to wave at the policemen as if they were old friends .
7 A burst of applause greeted caddies and players as they walked up into the arena .
8 Even in the twenty minutes it had taken to get some nourishment , the light had faded and the dull day was darkening into a cold night ; the beginnings of a frost crackled under their feet as they walked briskly along the embankment .
9 ‘ This is the place sure enough , ’ said Corporal Riley as they walked over to the Bar .
10 ‘ Pickles really is absolutely hopeless , ’ he said as they walked over to the crowded marquee .
11 Seb was still angry as they walked away from the Swan Inn , retracing their footsteps through the village .
12 All were transfixed by this group of laughing and exultant lesbians as they walked resolutely towards the rocky promontory stripping off their clothes with Amazonian brazenness .
13 As they walked uphill from the spa , beneath the shade of chestnut trees and beside a crystal-clear stream , Thomas did not flag .
14 As they walked back through the hotel he remarked casually , ‘ I said I 'd meet Jack on the terrace for a drink . ’
15 As they walked back through the haunted lanes of the Salamanca gardens , Cleo voiced her thoughts to Lorimer .
16 Three casual little words should n't assume such importance , Merrill thought , dazed , as they walked back through the darkness .
17 As they walked back along the paved way between the Union building and the Science block he said , ‘ Did the insulin project ever come to anything ? ’
18 Graham asked as they walked back towards the main Concourse .
19 Diane said as they walked back towards the pickup .
20 So she had been right about Rebecca after all , she thought as they walked back towards the main part of the house .
21 Merrill kept her face averted as they walked back towards the Abbey .
22 ‘ Come and see me on Thursday , as usual , my dear , ’ Miss Hatherby said as they walked back across the terrace .
23 But that offer was declined too , courteous goodbyes were exchanged , and Omi took Erika 's arm as they walked back to the S-Bahn .
24 Discarded papers blew in the narrow street as they walked back to the car .
25 Paula asked as they walked back to the hotel .
26 Dennis winked unpleasantly as they walked back to the stables .
27 ‘ Why not go to Malton tomorrow and buy a riding habit ? ’ her husband suggested as they walked back to the house .
28 As they walked back to the house , George managed to fill out his description by giving more details of the inside of the house .
29 ‘ I rest my case , ’ said X as they walked back to the clubhouse .
30 Bernard asked as they walked back to the bar room .
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