Example sentences of "as we have already [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 the only erm problem I had I think with the basic er terms as outlined in this document are the fact that I 'm going to be wor erm intending to work for fif at least fifty of the fifty two weeks in the year at it when of course erm certainly as we 'd already agreed on my erm business plan within the summer month from the the end of July until the beginning of September
2 I approached the service from the point of view of the consumer , as we had already done to good effect with the opticians .
3 If we carry on to let 'em do as they like , what 'll happen is this section of the workforce will go in such a decline , they 'll be very profitable which as we 've already heard as Asda are trying it on now .
4 The policies are starting to work , as we 've already heard from Councillor .
5 One very extensive class is er is a calcium activated potassium channel , where calcium 's now activating from the inside as we 've already seen in that example I showed you early on .
6 Now breathing , breathing in erm poisons , we 'll go over this in more detail erm , there 's so many things as we 've already gone through that can cause us asphyxia , one of them 's poison in itself is n't it ?
7 There are advances , as we 've already talked about , in the microelectronics industry , because as computers become smaller and smaller , then they approach molecular dimensions and gain the realm of molecular reactions is the realm of chemistry , so physics and chemistry there intertwine absolutely inescapably .
8 As Mr Scicluna pointed out , ‘ If you turn a committee into a faculty , it gives it a new lease of life , a breath of fresh air , and it thinks about its role a bit more purposefully , as we have already seen from the Tax Faculty . ’
9 Nevertheless for an individual sector , as we have already seen in Section 1.3 , this need not be the case since income can exceed expenditure and vice versa .
10 As we have already seen in Chapter 1 , the proportion of the temporary labour force who consider themselves self-employed ( 15 per cent ) is rather higher than that of the workforce as a whole ( 11 per cent ) .
11 As we have already seen in the previous chapter , this conflict has also been reinforced by the social changes which have occurred in rural areas , so that disputes concerning environmental preservation often coincide with local — newcomer , rural — urban , and agricultural — industrial divisions in the rural population .
12 It leads to the Raman effect , which , as we have already seen in Chapter 5 , is many orders of magnitude less efficient than direct resonant absorption .
13 As we have already seen in chapter 1 for butane and polyethylene , steric repulsions impose restrictions to bond rotation .
14 As we have already seen by juxtaposing Sonnets 35 and 70 , after we have read a poem in which the attempt at exculpation is exploded by the Poet , either by irony or by direct criticism , when we subsequently read one in which the exculpation is made again but with no recoil on itself , then the second poem seems hollow .
15 As we have already argued from Pahl 's ( 1984 ) study , even when women do paid work they still do the bulk of the domestic work , although it may be more equally distributed than it was when they were full-time housewives .
16 As we have already discussed in this chapter , the case-mix accountancy developments within the RMI are still in their infancy .
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