Example sentences of "but it is clear that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The first temple at Mallia , raised in about 1900 BC , was equipped with storage rooms , but it is clear that other buildings , apparently houses , in the town of Mallia were also equipped with store-rooms .
2 Most of its 380,000 population is economically dependent on the Black Sea Fleet , but it is clear that many have run out of patience with the arguments .
3 Constituency party activists were certainly mostly pro-Thatcher , but it is clear that many MPs used the secrecy of the ballot to oppose her .
4 In the US , for example , where the socialist party failed to establish itself as a major party after a fairly rapid growth in the first decade of this century , it has long been argued that the presidential system is a major obstacle to the development of third parties , and undoubtedly these constitutional factors have been important ; but it is clear that many other social and economic characteristics of the US have had a preponderant influence in determining the absence of a large-scale independent socialist movement or party there ( Sombart , 1906 ; Laslett and Lipset , 1974 ) .
5 Most attention has been focused on the ionotropic receptors ( like NMDA and kainic acid receptors ) , but it is clear that metabotropic receptors operating through the InsP 3 and DAG messenger systems have a profound effect on neural behaviour , including memory .
6 There was no evidence of this , but it is clear that old rivalries were used as an excuse for fights .
7 it is a tempting leap to suggest that sign language may be the natural alternative development when auditory deprivation occurs at birth , but it is clear that objective evidence on this is not easily obtained .
8 The precise characterisation of this agent awaits further study but it is clear that most patients with NSAID enteropathy have normal 1 4 C glyocholate breath tests , urinary indicans , and vitamin B 1 2 absorption , all of which may be affected in non-specific intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndromes .
9 Such classifications inevitably simplify reality , but it is clear that different members may hold very different views about the role of local councillors .
10 Shamir , faced with protests from the Israeli far right over this matter , responded by telling a radio interviewer on Sept. 27 that " the Americans can meet who they want , but it is clear that these people will not represent anyone in negotiations " .
11 The effects of electrical discharges on glass fibre and carbon fibre structures are uncertain , but it is clear that any moisture in the material would be turned to steam by a flash and would certainly cause delamination and very expensive damage .
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