Example sentences of "but it [be] clear that [art] " in BNC.

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1 But it is clear that a major function of topic marking is precisely to relate the marked utterance to some specific topic raised in the prior discourse , t.e .
2 The heralds and the disciplinary officers could achieve much ; but it is clear that no factor could ensure a greater respect for the rules of war and for the interests and property of the non-combatant than could firm leadership .
3 But it is clear that the present ecology of the lake can not be sustained .
4 This may well be true , but it is clear that the somewhat unorthodox background of the Emperor himself was probably a factor .
5 This can be explained in part by the large numbers of dogs that were imported initially , but it is clear that the breed has really taken off and is now firmly established in the top ten most popular breeds in New Zealand .
6 But it is clear that the future lies with a microkernel , which IBM dubs the Workplace OS and will be using to host future versions of OS/2 , AIX and MS-DOS with Windows .
7 But it is clear that the future lies with a microkernel , which IBM dubs the Workplace OS and will be using to host future versions of OS/2 , AIX and MS-DOS with Windows .
8 But it is clear that the mere existence of an alternative remedy does not oust judicial review .
9 But it is clear that the data collected in close investigations of live speech communities are much richer than the data preserved from early language states , and they are observable in a larger number of dimensions and at a much finer level of detail ; thus , the patterns revealed in systematic investigations of live communities appear to the observer as much more variable and multidimensional than historical patterns ( as these are usually reported ) .
10 He retained this seat in the next four Parliaments , working for local bills in 1621 and 1624 , but it is clear that the ‘ country ’ for which he spoke was more often Sussex than Essex .
11 The Compton census figures probably understate the strength of Nonconformity , but it is clear that the number of adherents did not rise dramatically until the Evangelical Revival of the later-eighteenth and nineteenth centuries .
12 In their efforts to master Congress , presidents have normally given a high priority to working through their party 's legislative leaders , but it is clear that an amicable and productive relationship with such leaders was not established during the Nixon years .
13 And it must be flexible — defining the kind of flexibility required is difficult , but it is clear that an entirely rigid system is impractical .
14 But it 's clear that no amount of research will answer what seems at the outset to be a simple question , that is , ‘ Is golf good for the environment ? ’ the reply has to be , ‘ It depends . ’
15 Perhaps the display asked more questions than it answered but it 's clear that the young stars are staking claims early .
16 In the case of an eighth-century Pre-Khmer bronze figure of a Bodhisattva , estimated at £40,000-£60,000 , the body had been tested and proved ancient but it was clear that the head had once been broken off and re-attached .
17 John Patton , press officer of the DCAC , refused to comment on plans for a fresh campaign but it was clear that the committee was extremely cautious about getting involved in further large-scale demonstrations .
18 She maintained silence , but it was clear that the sudden summons had surprised her .
19 But it was clear that the isolation of France was in the interest of Germany .
20 What they said remained inaudible , but it was clear that the Frenchman was offering only an occasional monosyllable to punctuate her husband 's rambling drawl .
21 Neither the Labour nor the Liberal Party had won , but it was clear that the Conservatives had lost- and in an election called by them on an issue of their own choice .
22 The Corpus of Knowledge has been updated in the intervening period , but it was clear that the insertion of the UK into Europe with free movement of labour , required a much broader view to be taken of the hospitality manager .
23 And to set criteria for this strategic site exception policy which we feel should be added to the plan , to set this criteria in such a way that it would so point to the local authorities in the making of their local plans but it was clear that the policy did not provide a speculative opportunity for everybody any landowner throughout the county .
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