Example sentences of "but it is equally [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 It is very rare that we disagree as an industry , but it is equally rare that we speak in a co-ordinated way , ’ he said .
2 But it is equally necessary that humans engage in a ceaseless and violent struggle with beings which attack from outside the bounds of society .
3 It may be that the Breton expedition was intended to keep up pressure on the French to make the sort of concessions the English would feel able to accept , but it is equally possible that the confused direction of English policy reflected conflicting influences at court .
4 It might , of course , mean that that particular person will readily be labelled ‘ deviant ’ , but it is equally possible that an individual could fully appreciate the attitude(s) of the generalized other and yet choose not to act within its framework .
5 Miron 's tentative conclusion is that older staff may become less concerned about teaching as they develop other priorities ; but it is equally possible that students are responding more similarly , and more favourably , to lecturers who are more like themselves .
6 But it is equally possible that he could spoil any chances he might have had by making some political slip .
7 But it is equally essential that they should know their school .
8 Of course , it is feasible that the Greeks were more sharp-sighted than we are , and certainly their skies were clearer ; but it is equally likely that Merope has dimmed a fair deal over the past few thousand years — in other words , that it is a variable star with a period of at least several thousand years .
9 But it is equally clear that both the discovery of the first teichoic acid and those systematic endeavours afterwards are properly described as ‘ research ’ .
10 But it is equally clear that its nature can not be accounted for by demonstrating its rules by a random use of any lexical items that come to mind .
11 But it is equally clear that direct , participatory democracy is , if not impossible , at least not very practicable in the modern world , and is in any case a recipe for bad government : " a community in mass is ill adapted for the business of Government … all numerous assemblies are essentially incapable of business . "
12 But it is equally true that there are general principles for successful teaching and learning which apply to all children .
13 But it is equally true that there is no way of foreseeing the health status of the very elderly of 2010 or 2022 ; people grown up in the historically exceptionally prosperous period since World War Two may have very different health expectations than those currently aged over 75 who were born before 1911 in a very different environment from the present .
14 But it is equally obvious that the working class in the advanced capitalist societies has not been , for the most part , revolutionary in its outlook and action ; least of all in the US .
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