Example sentences of "had already been [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The walkers delivered copies of letters which had already been mailed to the embassy giving details of the concern raised by Amnesty in appeals featured in the 30th Anniversary campaign .
2 Delegates were informed that an encouraging number of responses had already been received to the search for sponsoring organisations , and there was every prospect that the chair would be established in 1992 .
3 The warning came from the all party , defence select committee , whose Conservative chairman said the country 's defence capability had already been pared to the bone .
4 At the coronation , which took place in Moscow at the end of August 1856 , Levshin , the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs , quizzed gentry representatives from many parts of the empire on the question of emancipation and found sympathy for the idea only among the north-westerners whose feelings on the matter had already been communicated to the tsar .
5 This was effectively the same as the Spanish Pyrenean of northern Navarre and had already been crossed to a large extent with Limousin and Garonnais before it finally disappeared into the Blonde during the 1960s , leaving only the rare Béarnais as a purebred remnant .
6 By two minutes to three the match had already been condemned to a dull spectacle , ruined by zealous over-officiousness and amazing decisions .
7 Gracie and Daisy had already been broken to the plough while still down in Sleightholmedale and had been trained to plough together , Gracie walking in the furrow and Daisy being the land horse .
8 Another thing , perhaps , we should notice right at the very beginning is that Jesus did n't actually speak in pa , in in er , in chapters , and they 've lost , they 've been put in for our convenience , and chapter fifteen is not the beginning of a new incident Jesus had already been speaking to the people , he had been teaching them in chapter fourteen .
9 ‘ PW felt , rightly , that much of the information had already been given to the Bank …
10 He had already been converted to the new faith , and had , with the Edict of Milan in 313 , granted equal status to Christianity .
11 On his instructions his luggage had already been carried to the Citron by the congaie .
12 DC Steven Millward said the haul included water colour paintings , valued at £300 , which had already been returned to the owner after a burglary at a Darlington antiques shop a year ago .
13 The 14 March 1988 order recorded that accounts had already been supplied to the plaintiffs and that those accounts had discharged the first defendant 's accounting obligations ‘ subject only to the plaintiffs ' rights under Ord. 43 , r. 5 of the Rules of the Supreme Court 1965 and their rights to require vouching of the said accounts . ’
14 She had already been removed to the Intensive Care Unit at the JR2 , but in the bedroom there seemed quite sufficient evidence that she had planned a deliberate departure .
15 Considerable press attention had already been devoted to a recent report prepared by the Escola Superior de Guerra , a senior military academy , which contained references to the systematic killing of street children by " death squads " [ see p. 38285 ] which were known often to be composed of off-duty or on-duty police and armed force members .
16 The United States announced in April 1989 that it was concerned about the Soviet Union 's decision to sell Libya up to 15 supersonic Sukhoi Su-24D bombers , with a range of over 1,200 km , six of which had already been delivered to an air base in eastern Libya .
17 Euro-hopefuls argue that if Europe had already been committed to a common foreign and security policy , its military contribution in the Gulf would have been swifter and more effective .
18 From the despair in the parson 's eyes the doctor saw that this remedy had already been tried to no avail .
19 Perhaps Bruno 's death , long expected , had already been consigned to the past .
20 In fact , though the statue was exhibited as the property of the Marquess of Tavistock and the Bedford Estate Trustees , it had already been sold to a Cayman Island company , Fine Art Investment and Display Limited .
21 Rights to the Lynher river had already been sold to the Admiralty in 1890 for £800 , for the Tamar in 1899 for £1,000 .
22 Unfortunately I had not realised that a stern rope had already been passed to the ship and an indignant shout from my crew on the after deck drew my attention to the long nylon rope which was now snaking dangerously round the bollards as we drew away .
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