Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] himself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 After all , Changez was needed in the shop even more urgently now that Anwar had so enfeebled himself on the Gandhi-diet in order to get Changez to Britain in the first place .
2 A close associate of the President , he had nevertheless distanced himself from the ruling party , the Vanguard of the Malagasy Revolution ( AREMA ) .
3 That Pericles ' maternal relatives , the noble family of the Alkmaionidai , were enemies of Themistokles ( as they certainly were is no objection to this view : Pericles ' father had already distanced himself from the Alkmaionidai by the time of his ostracism in 484 ( Ath .
4 The radical faction , however , was somewhat strengthened by the enhanced position of Khomeini 's son , Ahmad Khomeini , who had already established himself within the Iranian political scene [ see p. 36630 ] , and who after his father 's death was able to claim that his views and pronouncements carried the authority of the late leader .
5 He parted some ferns so we could look back across the Paddock to the changing-rooms where the next toy soldier had just launched himself towards the Orchard .
6 Although he had deliberately distanced himself from the government since being ‘ sacked ’ as prime minister nearly two years ago and although he personally remained untainted by the multiple scandals which have beset the Socialist Party , he found himself caught up in the great tidal wave of rejection of the Socialists , which has swept the country .
7 Not only had he transformed the political situation among the western Saxons but he had also established himself as the most powerful ruler in southern England .
8 I thought it was a good analogy to how Manson had affected the country , how he had really wedged himself into the American family to the extent that he 's now on the country 's most popular TV show .
9 Rather more interesting , however , to Julia than either Ian 's or Canon Wheeler 's vision for the Church was the very puzzling question of why , when he invariably summoned his subordinates to come to him by phone , Wheeler had today put himself to the trouble of walking up a back staircase to the servants ' quarters ?
10 At 26 , then , young William Charles ( 'Call me Charles … ' ) had magically catapulted himself into the lower echelons of the Establishment — all achieved , we may suppose , with the help of a good head for business , a degree of energy and flamboyance and an ingratiating style with customers , especially ladies ?
11 He had almost resigned himself to the fact that this cop was too cautious to be caught out like the one he had almost jumped five nights previously , when without warning the man below stepped out from the shelter of the deep doorway .
12 Back in the days when he had yet concerned himself with the world .
13 James Tyrell had evidently committed himself to the Yorkists by 1471 , when he was knighted at Tewkesbury , and it may have been links with the crown which eased his passage into Gloucester 's service .
14 James Tyrell had evidently committed himself to the Yorkists by 1471 , when he was knighted at Tewkesbury , and it may have been links with the crown which eased his passage into Gloucester 's service .
15 Clifford Bradley had half hidden himself from the rest of the company behind the table holding the model of the new Laboratory .
16 Lothar then joined the rebels : his great expectations affirmed in 817 , he had never reconciled himself to the role of mere " emperor in waiting " , ousted meanwhile from the Frankish heartlands and " sent to Italy " .
17 Despite calls to reinstate Shevardnadze as Foreign Minister , Boris Pankin , ambassador to Czechoslovakia , was appointed to the post on Aug. 28 ; Pankin had publicly dissociated himself from the " barbarous acts " of the coup on Aug. 21 .
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