Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] herself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This weekend she had finally braced herself to the course of obtruding the existence of Len into the house .
2 She set off towards what she imagined was the outer door , intending to walk in the open , but in a moment she had somehow lost herself in the maze of corridors .
3 She had somehow identified herself with the Tremayne household .
4 She had hardly settled herself against the pillows and let her thickened lids slide back over her aching eyeballs when she heard a knock on the door .
5 A bit of romanticism his mistress might have abhorred , Ruth suspected , as she had hardly enamoured herself with the locals , nor they with her .
6 Emily always repeated this warning , although she was the only one who had ever cut herself on the bacon-slicer .
7 Her great-grandmother had never dressed herself without the help of a lady 's maid , but times had changed since then .
8 She had never convinced herself of the reality of her pregnancy , she had never done anything about it .
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