Example sentences of "had [verb] all [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A group of armed Covenanters , under the command of Sir Robert Hamilton of Preston , East Lothian , had assembled at Rutherglen , and being opposed to Charles , had travelled all over the district , extinguishing the bonfires and stopping the celebrations .
2 Born in 1900 , the same year as the Queen Mother , he had spent twenty-three years at the top , he had travelled all over the world , he had stories and memories of escapades and people and was a colourful raconteur .
3 The night of December 16th 1943 , became known as Black Thursday , because a real pea-soup fog descended on eastern England while the squadrons were out , so that they came back to find every air field shrouded in gloom and had to land all over the place .
4 They had gone all over the place ; peeking into the Oval Office ( but the little rope was across , Hakim said ) ; stopping on the stairs to look at a picture called The Canine Cabinet , in which North pointed out a drowsing member and said it was Casey ; and into the Roosevelt Room , where North showed the young Iranian the Nobel Prize won by Theodore Roosevelt for negotiating peace between the Russians and the Japanese .
5 We visited the Legion 's museum the following day and wandered round looking at the different flags of the units which had fought all over the world for 150 years .
6 At the same time , the company 's interests had spread all over the world , far beyond the milk-round set up by his father .
7 Jesus ' fame had spread all over the region ; Matthew , as a man in the centre of the financial world of that place must have heard of Jesus already .
8 Within seconds the blood from the gash that once been the left side of my head had poured all over the side of my face and filled up my left eye ; so that was why I could not see .
9 Picking his way over the diarrhoea , which had splattered all over the ground and avoiding the frantically flailing hooves of the shocked , utterly terrified , pony , Raimundo grasped her headcollar and , aided by Umberto and the other grooms , yanked her to her feet .
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