Example sentences of "his [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] floor " in BNC.

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1 On the Glomar Challenger , and back on shore , Hall met others who shared his enthusiasm for the ocean floor .
2 The glamorous secretary does not clean her desk space ; a skilled fitter does not sweep his part of the factory floor so why should a food worker have to clean ?
3 As he stood up , all kinds of crumbs fell from his robe to the kitchen floor .
4 Haryana was placed under president 's rule on April 6 following the disqualification of three Janata Dal ( S ) members under anti-defection legislation and the subsequent refusal of controversial Chief Minister Om Prakash Chauthala to prove his majority on the Assembly floor .
5 Now on his knees on the office floor , with Rohmer sitting above him smiling into the storm , Gilbert had begun to weep .
6 Carter toppled over and lay pumping his blood onto the canteen floor .
7 Just one person in two lines of the poem breaks the formal pattern : Ahead of his father , the lovely boy Charles , resplendent in gold Merrily goes , pattering with his feet across the marble floor .
8 Larry clicked a pair of castanets he found in Lee 's attic above his fair head and stamped his feet on the kitchen floor and flung his head back .
9 His failure can not have pleased the training officer , who was paid a bonus for every dealer who kept his place on the dealing floor .
10 He opened the larder , which he kept locked whenever he was out , and picked up his carpet-bag from the stone floor .
11 She heard the door shut softly behind him , then the dull thunk of his helmet on the hall floor .
12 ‘ I really do n't think that 's necessary , ’ Rory began firmly , remembering the last time he had held her in his arms on the dance floor .
13 and you absolutely no knew nothing about producing plain bearings you were sitting in the chair and probably a guy that worked his way through the factory floor who knew the job inside out , he was still
14 He got up from his seat as quickly as his thick furs and old muscles would allow , kicked some slates and books out of his way across the glass floor and started inspecting a pillar a few metres away .
15 His workshop seems to have been situated in the basement of his house , with his office on the ground floor .
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