Example sentences of "they [vb past] themselves [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Three times they lowered themselves to the ground in response to commands chanted by the minister of rites and all the time the musicians and singers banged gongs and drums and continued their strangely discordant chanting .
2 They had certain tricks and devices by which they avenged themselves on the interlopers , but these took up time and energy and , since they were young and inexperienced , frequently rebounded on themselves , although Sam , by dint of great perseverance and the manifestation of genuine hatred , had recently succeeded in ridding her home of her mother 's latest lover .
3 Wounded men and prisoners could still have much to fear if they found themselves at the mercy of their opponents .
4 Traffic began to peter out and they found themselves in the middle of extensive minefields .
5 For example at Edgehill , a GIST pack for discussion of sex roles — Gender in Our Lives — was used in the personal and social education lessons , with teachers talking honestly and openly about their personal experience ; as it happened they found themselves in the middle of a discussion about fathers being present at childbirth , and the children were obviously fascinated by this new view of their teachers as emotional beings . [ … ]
6 David pushed open one of the french windows and they found themselves in the library .
7 They disposed themselves in the drawing room .
8 400e ) , they identified themselves with the state , or put themselves on a level with it : they did not openly claim to rule it .
9 They shook themselves before the fire and stood in the lee of the shelter .
10 If anyone did maybe they threw themselves into the Aire after leaving the ground ; - )
11 They threw themselves into the celebrations , a temporary release from the daily routine , but the problems would still be there once the party was over .
12 This accommodation , named " Hudson Flats " , bears witness not only to the enthusiasm with which the late Jimmy Hudson and his wife Mary worked for the provision of annual " Old Folks ' Holidays " , but also to the sum of £72,000 which they raised themselves towards the purchase of this property .
13 For the most part they contented themselves with the material evidence available in the form of bones and artefacts , yet even when they began to observe living animals good behavioural description did not expose the factors that transformed the infrahuman primate society into a human one .
14 Sylvia Pye , Chairwoman of Women against Pit Closures , said today : ‘ The women are in good spirits and they barricaded themselves in the cabin .
15 They pulled themselves to the top of the wall , sat there on the rough stone , shivering .
16 Though almost certainly untrue , the tale succinctly illustrates the prevailing princely ambivalence : they distanced themselves from the servants on whom they relied .
17 Those of the cast who remembered the euphoria of Taunton were disappointed , but they comforted themselves with the fact that they were at least on , something which three days previously had looked most unlikely .
18 As they settled themselves on the trunk Silas switched off the torch .
19 They examined themselves in the mirror .
20 To further extend the stage , they established themselves alongside the fuller 's house where the broad stone steps of an outside staircase climbed the side of the building to a loft door — a ready-made Hill of Heaven .
21 They established themselves in the south-west , and their king , Athaulf , held court in Narbonne .
22 They flattened themselves on the pavement as a bomb came whistling down .
23 They clothed themselves in the respectability of ancient forms , just like the railways .
24 Ten years ago they formed themselves into the Hargeisa Group to lobby the government for a better deal for the north .
25 Essentially , it was a calculative attitude and it was clear that they managed themselves in the sense that they saw work as being a means to their personal ends , which might be owning a boarding house , for example .
26 She crouched as the great flock screamed past her , wings humming ; some of them tangled in the trees , a few panicked as they shattered themselves against the stone of the fortress , or flew frantically in the confined space of the room ; but most of them circled above her head , then streamed away to the south , lost against the fading luminescence of the sky .
27 When they launched themselves into the dusk they seemed to fill the sky to the north for long minutes , and their cries reached as far as the village .
28 They ran themselves into the ground , ran Chesterfield off the pitch , but they could n't get another goal .
29 We believe the police in general should be commended for the professional way they conducted themselves in the face of provocation . ’
30 No club was named in the piece but Wyre Boat Angling Club have complained to Angler 's Mail that they recognized themselves as the targets of Bob 's attack — and say his comments are inaccurate , totally unjustified and reflect solely a minority view .
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