Example sentences of "at [art] [noun sg] [prep] the corner " in BNC.

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1 He can sometimes be found at the bothy on the corner opposite Gladhouse House .
2 Meet you at the pub on the corner , at nine ? ’
3 Gripping the child 's arm , Aggie pulled her from the room and through into a hall and there she stood waiting , for she guessed that the women lined up like felons against the wall would now be led out to pay their fines at the desk in the corner , or be taken through the door back to the cells .
4 Oh yes Paul they were sitting like at the end of the corner there 's been
5 ‘ I 've booked a table for one at the restaurant round the corner .
6 AT the store on the corner , three drunken men are trying to eat the same hot dog .
7 AT the store on the corner , three drunken men are trying to eat the same hot dog .
8 AT the store on the corner , three drunken men are trying to eat the same hot dog .
9 This proved futile , and when I decided eventually to rise , it was still so dark that I was obliged to turn on the electric light in order to shave at the sink in the corner .
10 She saw herself again in John 's room in Pimlico , washing up at the sink in the corner .
11 Linda herself was doing her homework at the table in the corner .
12 ‘ I was on about 12,000 revs and tried to bring the wheel back in at the apex of the corner , ’ James said , ‘ but it was too far gone and that was it .
13 I mean it stuck out like a sore thumb , I mean er by King George 's playing fields erm cos of the , they had n't the , th the , the s other story for that was as I said was we they sent er some of us to a class in Walsall for er aircraft recognition and er the days I went to this class , cos I went as er , er both for the factory and for the Home Guard , so that I could cover both the factory and when I were on duty , Home Guard and we was at a building on the corner of Corporation Street and west , and we was taking classes in there .
14 If so , I 'm meeting two girls at a cop-shop on the corner of Green Street and there 's a pub next to it called the Wagon & Horses .
15 A young woman , an SS auxiliary in uniform , sat at a typewriter in the corner .
16 They sat at a table in the corner of the restaurant .
17 He had been sitting at a table in the corner reading an Italian newspaper and Sandison had hardly paid him any attention .
18 As I walked back from the bar with my second pint I caught sight of Karen and Dennis at a table in the corner .
19 Sitting at a table in the corner so that they can see the door , catch the others ' eyes when they come in .
20 Pavel sat alone at a table in the corner of the police cafeteria .
21 At a table in the corner three young girls sat , smoking and chatting quietly , occasionally glancing across at the two policemen .
22 The canteen at TV London was largely deserted at half past ten the next morning when Dexter and Blanche sat down at a table in the corner of the self-service section .
23 He ordered a pastis for himself and a pineau de Charentes for Sabine , then sat down with her at a table in the corner .
24 At a table in the corner Coffin saw his friend , Philip Jordan , communicator of the news about Mossycop .
25 He had a nervous twitch which jerked at a muscle at the corner of his thin-lipped mouth and a malevolent stare .
26 This makes for some pretty useful functionality — you can print a red ‘ Top Secret ’ at an angle over the corner of a document , if that 's your bag .
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