Example sentences of "he have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] himself " in BNC.

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1 He also enthuses about the extraordinary steam trains he has recently seen for himself , reading from a journal which he has been writing while away .
2 The reason Jake had had a change of heart was because he had finally realised for himself that Janice would not make a good mother for Kirsty , and that Shiona , on the other hand , would .
3 It is not surprising to learn that Sutherland felt so in sympathy with Picasso 's Guernica and later regretted that , in 1945 , he had not observed for himself the concentration camps .
4 Perhaps he had not said to himself that in a marriage between two like this , someone was going to have to know a little less clearly what they had wanted .
5 ‘ No , I am not ; merely that there was something he had previously kept to himself which he confided to your brother .
6 Before CD ‘ thought of Mr Pickwick ’ and wrote the first number , he had already gained for himself more freedom in the conduct of his story than Seymour and his publishers had originally intended , but the sudden death of Seymour when he had completed only 3 of the 4 illustrations for No. ii , and his replacement by the young artist Hablot K. Browne ( who soon adopted the signature ‘ Phiz ’ to parallel CD 's ‘ Boz ’ ) , contributed to the dominance of text over illustrations : from No. iii on the plates were reduced to 2 per number and the pages of text increased from 26 to 32 .
7 He had n't thought about himself , but with Tom taking on another farm , a farm that would one day be his own responsibility , it was hardly likely he would have time to take care of Seb too .
8 This was the first time he had ever talked about himself , so she knew it must be very important and felt flattered that he was confiding in her .
9 Failure , he had often said to himself , was not a part of his life .
10 On the other hand , McQueen , seven years Dustin 's senior , envied the other 's reputation as a fine actor , something he had always wanted for himself .
11 When Mountbatten flew off to India , he thought of himself as he had always thought of himself , as a leader of men .
12 He had never thought of himself as a master of the understatement , but his message to Hayman was something of a gem .
13 His description of Sien bears a remarkable resemblance to the image he had now formed of himself , She inspired disgust in other people .
14 Big business and politics , he had now discovered for himself , were inseparable bedfellows — a lesson he learnt with increasing frequency in the years to come .
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