Example sentences of "he [vb past] across [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This time , when he received no answer , he moved across to the window and , cupping one hand over his eyes , endeavoured to see inside the flat .
2 He moved across to the display cabinet and picked up Dick Turpin .
3 Silently he moved across to the club-house and made his way along the side wall .
4 As Carson waited for Alison he wandered across to the kiosk , the floor was wet from swabbing down , and there was a faint smell of disinfectant rising from the glistening vinyl .
5 With a last withering glance , he walked across to the door and swung it wide , then gave a snort of disgust .
6 He walked across to the window , leaning back against it , surveying her with a mixture of contempt and distaste .
7 He walked across to the window , and producing a knife ran it round the paper sealing strip , then opened it .
8 He walked across to the window .
9 Sloshing more whisky into his already half-full glass , he walked across to the armchair and sprawled untidily .
10 He walked across to the bed and flung himself on it .
11 He walked across to the food trolley , and removed the starched cloth with a flourish .
12 Naked , he walked across to the washstand .
13 Kicking off his muddy wellingtons , he walked across to the towel rail on the far side of the old-fashioned kitchen .
14 Picking up the jug of custard , he walked across to the table and tipped it , steadily and deliberately .
15 Slowly he stepped across to the terrace and gazed down at her with eyes so racked with pain that Ruth 's own eyes filled to the brim with her despair and lost love .
16 She twisted her head to catch the coroner 's eye as he scowled across at the innkeeper who was busy gossiping to the other customers around the great wine barrels .
17 ‘ Yes , ’ he said at last and he glanced across at the table .
18 He cut across to the Maiden , hoping to catch another glimpse of Angela .
19 ‘ This is what it is all about really ’ , said one of the clowns , handing me a bun just before he dashed across to the pub car park where they all lined up in order to be judged which of them was the best-dressed ( he was , incidentally ) .
20 He reached across into the back of the hut for his piece-box .
21 He reached across to the bank of switches at his right hand and flicked a couple .
22 He reached across to the handle , and let her in .
23 He went across to the bed and sat on it , staring at her broodingly from under the thick dark lashes .
24 He went across to the bed and pulled back the sheet .
25 He went across to the shed where Caspar was .
26 He went across to the house whilst Benedicta and her strange visitor waited on the church steps .
27 He went across to the wash-basin , picked up a drinking-glass and , putting the top of it against the wall , applied his ear to the base .
28 He strode across to the door .
29 His cup drained , he looked across at the girl again .
30 Now he looked across at the telephone .
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