Example sentences of "he [vb past] himself [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " Where — " He checked himself just in time .
2 He checked himself just in time , went down flat on his stomach , peering through the tough grass that grew on these dunes .
3 Gorbachev 's address received lukewarm applause , and in the speeches which followed he found himself sharply under attack by delegates .
4 Nu was no longer concerned with politics ; he devoted himself entirely to Buddhism .
5 Well , the thing I mainly notice when last week when Paul was home , not last week , the week before last I had Paul solidly at home , he moved himself entirely in lock , stock and barrel at the weekend , he was then with me waiting for his job and he went out every day and did little bit 's of shopping for me , got him from under my feet , saved me money , cos I was only buying what I absolutely needed , and the amount of time that I had , I mean I was able to go out for the whole day with Peggy on Wednesday , I was able to get food prepared and , admittedly I did n't manage to get as much done as I thought I was going to do , but then I think that 's with most people in life ,
6 When the house was finished , he hid himself away for months at a time , with only a few good friends and his beloved books and garden .
7 Or that he hanged himself virtually under water ?
8 But that sudden reminder of ‘ thoughts full of bitterness ’ and images too dearly loved ’ , as he expressed himself theatrically to Southey , subdued his high spirits only briefly .
9 ‘ Yeah , ’ said Hank noncommittally , as he examined himself critically in Mr Albert 's big triple mirror .
10 But he thought it a reasonable request to ask for a route and he took himself away to Tara 's great map room to procure maps for them .
11 He spoke dreamily of the riches of America , the possibilities for his music , the one-in-the-eye for those with whom he felt himself continuously in competition .
12 He bethought himself guiltily of Sergeant Crane , who might be assumed to be waiting to continue the conversation that Francesca 's call had interrupted , and padded down the corridor .
13 He anointed himself again with vaseline , bruised the jelly into his nose .
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