Example sentences of "on sept. [adj] [conj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The Japanese government confirmed on Sept. 16 that it had lodged a formal diplomatic protest over this decision .
2 Taiwan announced on Sept. 8 that it had reached an accord with Russia to exchange unofficial representative offices , on the lines of the model used by Japan and the USA for unofficial representation in Taiwan .
3 The Defence Department announced on Sept. 18 that it proposed to end or reduce operations at 151 military sites in 10 European and Asian countries .
4 Following an LDP conference , the party leadership announced on Sept. 19 that it planned to break away from the coalition which had backed Aquino .
5 Although a Jordanian government statement issued on Sept. 23 said that there was no intention of expelling Saudi diplomats , a Foreign Ministry spokeman confirmed on Sept. 25 that it had been decided to recall the ambassador in protest against the expulsions .
6 China reacted angrily to the US announcement on Sept. 2 that it had agreed to sell 150 F-16 fighter planes to Taiwan [ see this page ] .
7 The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) said on Sept. 2 that it did not intend to issue " a clean bill of health for Iraq in the nuclear sphere " .
8 Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev said on Sept. 28 that it demonstrated " the commitment of the US administration and President Bush personally to the process of nuclear disarmament " , but added that it was " still premature to assess the whole scope of these proposals " especially as they pertained to cuts elsewhere in Europe .
9 The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( EBRD ) announced on Sept. 3 that it had set up a short-term technical advice scheme for the Soviet Union .
10 In order to protect its position , the UK government announced on Sept. 3 that it intended to borrow an amount equivalent to 10,000 million European currency units ( US$1.00=ECU1.434 at that stage ) in currencies which would be sold for sterling through the foreign exchange market in addition to any normal market intervention .
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