Example sentences of "this type of [noun] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In this type of work the researcher 's personality inevitably bulks large and has to be taken into account in the evaluation of his reports ( a critical task which colleagues assume with un-becoming zeal ) .
2 Was not this type of legislation a threat to freedom ?
3 It covers the simple case where A holds a deposit as nominee for B. In this type of case the scheme of the legislation is that one ignores the trust and has regard exclusively to the identity of the beneficiary .
4 In this type of case the duty which mandamus enforces is often not a statutory one but the common law duty , which every power-holder has , to give proper consideration to the question of whether or not to exercise the power .
5 On average , around 70 local companies take part each year and by providing this type of facility the IDB can help to ensure that the Northern Ireland displays are presented to a consistently high standard in order to maximise the impact made with international buyers visiting these exhibitions .
6 In this type of survey a sample of people is recruited to a panel and their attitudes are surveyed at different times .
7 With this type of wave the swash , or rush of water up the beach from the breaking wave , is weak as the water plunges directly on to the beach .
8 With this type of scan the room reservations for every room for any given day can be brought into view .
9 You know , you 're sort of turning the abortion argument on it 's head , that er in an abortion you can say it 's my body , I have a right to decide , and this baby that dies is never going to be there to question that decision , but in this type of situation the baby 's going to be there and okay , you 'll get so many who will just accept their situation and wo n't question it , but you 're always going to get some , or even one who will say I want to know my origins , I want to why I was conceived this way , why I was born this way , why , I have two mothers , that maybe a surrogate mother and a natural mother ?
10 For this type of picture the bit image file comes into its own .
11 To obtain this type of information the unit makes extensive use of a very wide range of information sources and has direct access to an internal information service which is maintained within the corporate planning department .
12 But I never thought I 'd er be doing this type of job t' other day er .
13 ‘ Nevertheless , the converse does not follow that in this type of action the court in granting an interim injunction ought always to require an undertaking as to damages from the Crown .
14 in this type of study the psychologist has tended to identify difference in a way which has implied deviance .
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