Example sentences of "by a series of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The presumption of innocence has not been toppled ; rather , it has been corroded by a series of laws on alcohol and tobacco , football hooliganism , drugs , videos and even badgers .
2 Outside Greater London , a reorganized local government system was created by a series of Acts of Parliament passed during the period 1972–4 .
3 The People 's Democratic Republic of Yemen became independent in 1967 as the People 's Republic of Southern Yemen , comprising Aden , which had been under British rule since 1839 , and the former Protectorate of South Arabia , which had been developed by a series of treaties between the United Kingdom and local leaders .
4 The second half of the 1970s and the early 1980s were dominated for local government by a series of changes in funding arrangements and rules on spending .
5 The question , therefore , is nakedly raised by this appeal , whether your Lordships are now prepared , not only to overrule , as contrary to law , the doctrine stated by Sir Edward Coke to have been laid down by all the judges of the Common Pleas in Pinnel 's Case ( 1602 ) 5 Co.Rep. 117a , in 1602 , and repeated in his note to Littleton , 344 , Co.Litt. 212b , but to treat a prospective agreement , not under seal , for satisfaction of a debt by a series of payments on account to a total amount less than the whole debt , as binding in law , provided these payments are regularly made ; the case not being one of a composition with a common debtor , agreed to , inter se , by several creditors …
6 A rapprochement in Russo Japanese relations was marked by a series of agreements between the two countries in 1907–16 covering the apportionment of rights and interests in the East Asian area .
7 BASIC DATA Relations between the European Communities ( EC ) and 68 developing countries from Africa , the Caribbean and the Pacific ( the ACP countries ) are regulated by a series of agreements on economic assistance and trade .
8 Almost equally important was the ending , by a series of agreements in 1745 , 1773 and 1790 , of a struggle for influence which had been going on for generations between the Reichskanzlei ( Imperial Chancery ) under its hereditary head , the Elector of Mainz , and the Hofkanzlei ( the Chancery of the Habsburg hereditary lands ) .
9 The speech was followed by a series of meetings throughout the country organised by the Department of Education and Science .
10 It is the story of a philologist ( said to be loosely based on Tolkien , but in fact fairly unlike him : Tolkien recognized some of his own opinions and ideas Lewisified in the character ) who , by a series of mishaps on a walking tour , comes to a house where two sinister scientists , Weston and Devine , are planning a visit to outer space .
11 Over 100 people were estimated to have been killed , and about 7,000 made homeless , by a series of explosions at an ammunition dump in the southern Addis Ababa suburb of Bekulo Bet on June 4 .
12 Four firemen were killed and three seriously injured by a series of explosions at a Russian chemical plant in the Urals .
13 These barriers were identified by references to those outlined in the 1985 White Paper , " Completing the Internal Market " , and by a series of surveys of businesses in the EC .
14 This was followed by a series of studies of the relationship between living environments , the elderly , and ill health ( Exton-Smith 1955 ) , and of methods of minimizing length of stay in hospital by the establishment of out-patient assessment and follow-up clinics ( Adams et al 1957 ) , day hospitals ( Cosin 1954 ) , and preventive health care ( Anderson and Cowan 1955 ) .
15 He explains what this means in practice as follows ( 1968 : 602–3 ) : This assertion , in another conference paper ( of 1960 ) entitled ‘ Poetry of grammar and grammar of poetry ’ , was subsequently corroborated by a series of studies of individual poems in six different European languages , ranging in date from the thirteenth to the twentieth century .
16 Furthermore , pollinators are directed to suitable target sites for deposition of pollen by a series of rewards at those sites , whereas dispersers are not and indeed , jettisoning of the ‘ ballast ’ from their food as rapidly as possible is to their advantage : food may take 10 to 20 minutes to pass through a bat or small bird , though up to several months in animals like the rhinoceros .
17 The management of the contract will be examined longitudinally by a series of visits to both firms , interviews with technical experts , senior management and a sample of users of the technology .
18 The days leading up to the fifth anniversary of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power station , in the Soviet Ukraine , were marked by a series of reports on the consequences of the accident ( which occurred on April 26 , 1986 — see pp. 34460-62 ) .
19 Initial flight of the prototype Iris ( N185 ) took place on June 19 , 1926 , this being followed throughout the summer by a series of trials at the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment ( MAEE ) , Felixstowe .
20 The report prepared by a series of consultants for the DOE in relation to The Foundation of the Tyne and Wear Development Corporation ( DOE , 1987 ) is a good example of this fashion .
21 It was built by a series of cardinals as a hunting lodge . ’
22 Barclay 's interest in linguistic matters per se is evidenced by the inclusion of an article on the origin of language by the Frenchman Abbé Antoine Anselme ( 1652–1737 ) and by a series of articles on the history , grammar , pronunciation , and orthography of English , very probably by Barclay himself .
23 The importance of environmental issues has been raised by a series of articles in Chartered Builder .
24 There was no Tube then to Pimlico , and they proceeded by a series of tacks to Victoria .
25 And for at least a month afterwards we 'll be pummelled by a series of commercials for regimes and products guaranteed to take off ‘ at least seven pounds in seven days ’ .
26 It is usual for ‘ RT ’ to be reflexitive , the above example concerning Food would be accompanied by a series of inversions of the statement of the form :
27 The Security Council debate had been preceded by a series of statements by and an exchange of letters between de Klerk and Mandela in which each stated their terms for the resumption of constitutional talks .
28 For instance , a buzzer will sound , followed one second later by a series of flashes of light , which the subject has to turn off by pressing a button .
29 The ensuing 15 years have been characterized mainly by a series of opportunities for or constraints upon developing theses principles .
30 In this way share prices are determined not by reference to estimations of fundamental value , but by a series of guesses about the behaviour of other market participants ; they result from ‘ [ s ] peculations on the speculations of other speculators who are doing the same thing ’ .
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