Example sentences of "be divided [prep] [num] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He argued that all the higher taxonomic categories can be divided into five subordinate units that fall naturally into a circular pattern .
2 It can be divided into five main categories :
3 The crux of this model , which can be divided into four distinct phases ( Fig. 4 a-d ) , is that repetitive spiking depends upon the cyclic release of calcium from internal stores through the regenerative process of CICR .
4 The miracle stories in the Synoptic Gospels can be divided into four main sections :
5 This Act may be divided into four main sections :
6 The treaty can be divided into four main parts .
7 In our temperate climate , land use can be divided into four main categories : arable areas , where crops such as cereals and legumes can be grown , generally well drained and fertile with relatively easily worked soils ; at most times in the past rotation was employed , alternating one crop with another , and crops with pasture where cattle , sheep , goats , horses and so on grazed ; meadowland where hay was grown for winter fodder ; and woodland to provide the wood and timber .
8 One recommendation was for the older pupils to be divided into four occupational groups : engineering ; commerce ; domestic work ; and industries for which no vocational instruction was necessary .
9 Being Disabled can be divided into two distinct strands : impairment and Disability .
10 On the basis of the meanings expressed , all the uses of the to infinitive can be divided into two general types which at first sight might seem to be in direct contradiction with one another .
11 SYNAPTIC potentiation can be divided into two principal categories on the basis of whether or not its induction is blocked by antagonists of the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptor .
12 Associative theories can be divided into two major fields , each offering a different way for establishing S-R bonds .
13 Wounding mechanisms can be divided into two broad groups : shearing and impact injuries .
14 The factors affecting erosion on the coast may be divided into two broad groups .
15 There are a multitude of word-processor programs available for the PC , but they can be divided into two broad groups — DOS based and Windows based .
16 In this sense , the English-speaking world can be divided into two broad speech-communities : one in which [ h ] -dropping is widespread and has social significance , and one in which it is so rare ( if it happens at all ) that it is socially irrelevant .
17 Allowing for certain stylistic overlaps , all medallion designs can be divided into two broad categories .
18 Pakistani rugs can be divided into two broad categories : those which employ Turkoman , usually gul ( Bokhara ) , schemes and those which copy traditional Persian workshop designs .
19 But anything over that size should be divided into two equal slabs with a dividing board between .
20 He concluded that legal processes could be divided into two contrasting types .
21 The process of creating a database can be divided into two basic stages — design and development .
22 Taking a very broad view , topics of discourse may be divided into two basic categories : meanings and non-meanings .
23 Our discussion will be divided into two main parts .
24 An online education programme can be divided into two main parts .
25 Psychological tests used for selection purposes can be divided into two main categories , ability tests and personality tests .
26 Forecasting techniques can be divided into two main types , namely quantitative and qualitative .
27 For example , it could be argued that ‘ photograph ’ may be divided into two independent words , ‘ photo ’ and ‘ graph ’ ; yet we usually do not regard it as a compound , but as an affix word .
28 Under the proposals the country would be divided into nine semi-autonomous regions , replacing the existing four provinces and 10 non-independent bantustans ( homelands ) , thus ending the homelands policy pursued by the party since 1948 .
29 Under the Vance-Owen plan , which the Croats have signed , Bosnia is to be divided into ten autonomous provinces , and local provincial governments are supposed to reflect the ethnic proportions of the populations before the Bosnian war .
30 Adult applicants can be divided into 3 broad groups :
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