Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] a greater [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hand signals can be developed to a greater extent to train a dog which is deaf , although there is always the problem of attracting its attention in the first instance , particularly if it runs off .
2 The water being pumped from the Dead Sea by existing machinery could contain lower concentrations of minerals , in which case water will have to be pumped from a greater depth ( perhaps 70 m ) where mineral concentrations will remain high .
3 A simple combination of a selected focus with one of the modes of argument outlined above would be an essay with a focus on Ralph Ellison 's Invisible Man [ focus ( ii ) ] , which argues that it is underrated as a novel and indicates why it should be seen as a greater achievement [ mode of argument ( a ) ] .
4 A fusion of these two methods is imperative for the good harmonic flow of serial music , which thereby can be turned towards a greater degree of atonalism or otherwise , at any moment , as the composer wishes .
5 Indeed , they see incineration as a solution to toxic waste whose usefulness should be employed on a greater range of materials .
6 It is important for large complex applications that current hyper-text practice involving the use of directed graph ( general network ) structures , inheritance hierarchies and object-oriented scripts be underpinned by a greater body of theory .
7 For instance , when the scale of production increases , horse or steam power is likely to be substituted for manual labour ; materials are likely to be brought from a greater distance and in greater quantities , thus increasing those expenses of production which correspond to the work of carriers , middlemen and traders of all kinds .
8 The slightly lower figure for Stornoway may be caused by a greater tendency for cloud formation over the land to the west and south-west ( the sources of the prevailing winds ) , while exposed western coasts tend to have good sunshine records ( at sea level ) ( Green& Harding 1983 ) .
9 There is found to be a consistent tendency for higher levels of bargaining to be associated with a greater degree of union organisation .
10 These two factors , as well as the size and number of polyps , are , as they are in the large bowels , thought to be associated with a greater risk of malignant change .
11 Previous difficulty in maintaining a pregnancy through to a live birth will be likely to be associated with a greater risk of a third or fourth miscarriage than if the woman 's previous pregnancies had been trouble-free .
12 Certain necessary fixed costs of overheads can then be spread over a greater number of units of output thus reducing their incidence per unit of output , and also unit attributable costs might be lowered via bulk buying or the better management of production , and by strengthening of purchasing power .
13 Underlying this argument there may well be a different one , namely , that there is a need for a more progressive tax structure , and that this can not be achieved without a greater emphasis on direct taxation .
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