Example sentences of "that [pers pn] is possible [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the Ruddock case has shown , the standard of review employed in national security cases is set so high that it is possible that the Tribunal could be compelled to refrain from interfering with discretionary decisions taken for this reason .
2 The Breton later became part originator of the Canadian breed , so that it is possible that the genes of the extinct small Cornish cattle are perpetuated on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean .
3 The argument from analogy with which we shall be concerned here admits that it is possible that the objects we call persons are , other than ourselves , mindless automata , but claims that we none the less have sufficient reason for supposing this not to be the case .
4 A year earlier Matisse had show his painting Le Bonheur de Vivre ( Barnes Foundation , Merrion , Penn. ) at the Salon des Indépendants , where it had received a great deal of attention , and during the winter of 1907 Derain was engaged in painting a canvas of bathers ( Museum of Modern Art , New York ) which he intended to show at the Indépendants of 1907 , so that it is possible that the Demoiselles may have been prompted by a spirit of rivalry .
5 The article states : ’ estimates of the project 's cost have escalated from £457 million to £1.4 billion ’ — the figure mentioned by my hon. Friend — and that it is possible that the scheme will not go ahead .
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