Example sentences of "that [pron] [be] no room for " in BNC.

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1 Well , the answer is that there is no room for Bellagio to expand any further because of its position and there is n't the accommodation to cram in those extra people !
2 Or will it be so difficult to interpret , so rigid in its framework that there is no room for the teacher to try interesting diversions and take the opportunity for exploration of unmapped territory — even of contributing to the design of the map itself ?
3 The problem is solved if the central core is very thin so that there is no room for reflection .
4 It may be that one partner is so involved with their own painful feelings during the experiences of midlife , that there is no room for the other 's needs .
5 But so many once-wealthy children are leaving the private sector that there is no room for them all at the most popular schools .
6 They are the sparest verses imaginable , so short that there is no room for anything but the concentrated feeling .
7 The propriety of using animals in scientific education and research is , however , dominated by esoteric debate to the extent that the average reader is easily overawed into thinking that there is no room for non-specialist opinion which is other than rattle-brained ( of which there is no lack ) .
8 They know that there is no room for error .
9 However , it does not follow from this that there is no room for controlled or intentional imprecision in our use of the language .
10 It is absolutely essential that each parcel should be described with such particularity and precision that there is no room for doubt about the boundaries of each , and for such purposes if a plan is intended to control the description of part only of a building , an Ordnance map on a scale of 1:2500 is worse than useless ( Scarfe v Adams [ 1981 ] 1 All ER 843 ) .
11 Meanwhile , while our association welcomes the six months stay of execution for the Redmire line ( Echo , Feb 19 ) may we urge all those concerned about this issue that there is no room for complacency .
12 Now planners have attached bits of escalator and supposed ‘ modern design ’ to it willy-nilly so that there 's no room for shoppers and no apparent view of the cathedrals .
13 In Paris , where she and her husband performed for refugees , the theatre was so crowded that there was no room for many parties of children who had lost their parents and were in the care of relief organisations .
14 As soon as he sat down it was clear that there was no room for modesty .
15 He realized abruptly that there was no room for doubt : Lorton had condemned himself when he rang Dougal just after six to say that Newley was back in London .
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