Example sentences of "that [art] only [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tenants … were no longer prepared to accept the appalling housing conditions and would take whatever action was necessary … ‘ finally we believe that the only long-term solution to the social concerns which beset Derry lies in the establishment of workers ’ power and public ownership of all land , banks and industries .
2 And our proper anxiety to complement the market with collectively delivered provision has sometimes blinded us to the obvious point that the only real purpose of any provision is the satisfaction of individual needs , and that a failure in these terms will be judged harshly .
3 ‘ The Labour Party has failed to grasp the nettle in Monklands and this is shown by the fact that the only real criticism in its inquiry report was directed at us , the local paper . ’
4 By an acute reading of internal evidence , Betty Rizzo suggests that the ‘ Parthenissa ’ mentioned in ‘ The Proposal ’ and elsewhere in Leapor 's poetry is the ‘ Mrs. J. ’ to whom Freemantle sent Leapor 's manuscripts [ see ML , 2 , p. xviii ] , and that the only probable candidate in the subscription lists is Susanna Jennens .
5 After the heights scaled in that quarter-final , Ireland plunged to six feet under in this match proving , in the course of the game , that the only predictable thing about them is their unpredictability .
6 A less sanguine conclusion was reached by Jerome Miller , who for two years attempted to transform the young offender institutions of Massachusetts into therapeutic communities before coming convinced that the only appropriate course of action was to empty them .
7 Most of his contemporaries in Oxford and elsewhere assumed that the only appropriate approach to Jewish studies was through Semitic philology and biblical studies , and Roth never received in Britain the academic recognition that his publications and his international standing ( especially in America and Israel ) merited .
8 It seems to me that the only possible way of finding out what it is like is to live it .
9 I would rely on Mr Yeltsin and Mr Gorbachev that the only possible way in which they could have reached the eminence they have today is through membership of the party .
10 Although the issue did not arise in Pickin 's case nor in other authorities cited above , it was there assumed that the only possible barriers to validity were the procedural ones there considered .
11 Mystics are overwhelmed by a consciousness that there is a dimension beyond that of time , experience of which brings such certainty of fulfilling joy , such transfiguring of the material order , that the only possible priorities for existence in time can be to find a way of life that will allow access to this dimension .
12 What they lose sight of is that the only possible justification of the expense of supporting these vast bureaucratic machines is to ensure that the necessary high standard of safety is established and maintained .
13 So you 're saying essentially that the only ultimate way of deciding that state a.
14 But this introspective isolation , now compounded in so many cases by the fact that universities are the only institutions able to support a composer 's existence , perpetuates the sense that the only right path for a serious composer is the romantic path of high seriousness and absolute individual integrity .
15 It is also worth noting here that the only mid-Tertiary movements in northern Europe that can be called an orogeny are in Spitsbergen , where we find the last expression of an Atlantic compressive line clearly preserved down the west coast , presumably reflecting the continued grinding together of the northernmost tip of the European plate with that of Greenland .
16 Some societies insist that the only genuine relationship between parent and child is the bond established by biology .
17 Oakeshott , for example , indicates that the only relevant criticism within a mode is by the methods of that mode .
18 And this for the very good reason that the only relevant decision on the fiduciary duty — Prescott v. Birmingham — had been immediately negatived by Parliament in its application to the power of local transport authorities to fix the level of fares .
19 Although a number of researchers have argued that the only relevant research in eyewitness testimony is that which involves actual crimes ( Clifford , 1978 ; Lindsay & Wells , 1983 ; Malpass & Devine , 1980 ) , there are major difficulties with carrying out such research .
20 It is common ground between the plaintiffs and the ombudsman that the only relevant matter of complaint is that part of paragraph 3 of Part II to Schedule 12 , which refers to the grant or refusal to grant further advances to a borrowing member .
21 This illustrates another problem , that the only effective difference between an interactive and a redundant modular system is the degree of disruption produced by damage to a single component .
22 He said that at times it appeared that the only effective opposition to what was becoming a single-party government was from the press .
23 Today , it seems that the only cogent ideology in our society is an obsessive focus on the individual .
24 In the hope that deteriorating wartime conditions in Vietnam would spark insurrection , a liberation army of sorts was being formed on the border ; but when the attack went off at half-cock ( leaders executed or arrested and followers dispersed ) another threat to the French position was removed and it must have become clear that the only credible threat to French power lay in France itself , at least until the forces of nationalism were able to attract some effective outside sponsorship or else embed themselves in the people to the point where they became an organized national resistance .
25 MI5 never replied , GCHQ expressed polite and emphatically arm 's length interest , and the CIA offered help , exhibits and the information that the only other museum of spying they know of is in Havana .
26 MacDonald claims that the only located source of systematic collection of data on the progress of non-traditional students over a period of years was at Glasgow Polytechnic for the BA Social Science course .
27 Assuming that the only rational purpose of buying a diesel rather than a petrol-engined car is to save fuel , the Rover walks all over both Frenchmen !
28 The fact is that the only reasonable method of securing conviction of individuals among a rioting football mob or crowd of lager louts or gang of shoplifters is to use video .
29 The record of his own work and ideas meant that the only dull part of this programme was a tired , conventional exchange about the balance between pure and applied research .
30 I have heard it said that the only major advance in stratigraphy and sedimentology since the Second World War was the concept of the turbidity current .
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