Example sentences of "i have ever [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I saw the biggest , steepest cylinders of water I 'd ever seen from the relative sanctuary of the beach , and Pottz finally landed the world title .
2 It was the first time I 'd ever thought of the baby as " he " .
3 Not that I had ever believed in the heart marching ahead alone .
4 The rocks were gigantic boulders of conglomerate , monstrous in their barren strangeness , much larger now we were close to them than I had ever realized from the island .
5 If I had ever thought of the possibility of being taken prisoner while I was in England , I should have expected all Germans to be like the officer who had tried to interrogate me at the aerodrome or the two soldiers who had brought me from the aerodrome to Amsterdam .
6 It 's the kind of film I 've ever wanted like the plague , go on
7 ‘ There 's a Takamine acoustic , which is not the best acoustic I 've ever heard in the studio , but okay , and a Fender Jaguar and a Precision bass .
8 Looking haggard , drawn , and almost close to tears , Keith , 34 , said : ‘ Oh God , this is the most difficult interview I 've ever done in the whole of my life .
9 THERE is a face that pops up on TV screens that is the most instantly dislikeable I 've ever seen on the tube ; a medium that sets Olympic standards in throwing up instantly dislikeable mugs .
10 This recipe is the closest I 've ever seen to the one which our family cook Rhoda would make , months in advance of Christmas .
11 ‘ I reckon it 's the best burger I 've ever had outside the US . ’
12 ‘ I only had a tiny part in Coriolanus , ’ he said a few years later , ‘ but it was the most exciting experience I 've ever had in the theatre . ’
13 He said : ‘ It was the biggest sickener I 've ever had in the sport .
14 But if people move on , it 's understandable , in the event that everyone moves on , and I 'm left dangling in the recording studio — then it would seem to confirm everything I 've ever thought about the cruelties of life . ’
15 And he was looking forward again : " I do n't feel I 've ever got to the point I aim at and I do n't think I ever will , but I would like to feel that I was getting a little nearer to it each time . "
16 That 's right yes , yeah that bit that was just like what they call a swan neck , just like the swan and that was like that and so it kept me at load level , they were built by and some of the best cranes I 've ever known on the dock .
17 ‘ It was a huge row , one of the biggest I have ever seen in the group .
18 House of Representatives Speaker Thomas S. Foley , who earlier in the day had urged conciliation between Congress and the President , angrily characterized Bush 's remarks as " the most partisan speech I have ever heard in the guise of a presidential address " .
19 The figures in the article were not those that I have ever given to the House .
20 Thirdly , something James could not know when the season began , 1976 was going to be one of the most contentious seasons , politically and administratively , that I have ever known in the sport , and there were several times in the year when it really looked as though the fates were conspiring to make it impossible for Hunt to win .
21 Ice fishing , I find , is as cold as anything I have ever tried in the Arctic , and after a few minutes of unproductive ass-freezing I pack it in .
22 " I acutely feel that public distrust in politics is more serious than I have ever experienced in the past , " he said .
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