Example sentences of "for a [noun sg] [prep] reasons [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This may be done for a variety of reasons including someone 's anxiety that the original figures were just too unlikely to be reliable .
2 Human capabilities to reason about complex systems states and the propagation of failure and associated systems are all available within the trained diagnostician , but can break down or fail for a variety of reasons including data overload , incomplete information and fatigue .
3 Human beings are needed for those tasks for a variety of reasons from their highly dexterous manipulative potential through to their ability to accept informal instructions .
4 To the extent that this is so , there is room for a doctrine of reasons of state in political action .
5 Productivity also rose for a number of reasons of which taxation was probably the most important , although factors like technological improvements , peaceful conditions , access to wider markets and slavery must all have played a part .
6 In fact , for a number of reasons including changes in the market situation of managers ( in terms of narrowing pay differentials and perceived increases in job insecurity ) together with the more ready conceding of union recognition for those employed in the public sector of the economy , managerial unionism increased markedly in Western Europe during the 1970s .
7 It has acquired this position for a number of reasons including the fact that historically it was essentially the creation of the people of Wales themselves and has made a major contribution to the educational needs of the nation .
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