Example sentences of "was less [adj] [conj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 — Edwardian working-class sport as a whole was less violent than it had been a half-century before .
2 The question was less innocent than it sounded .
3 Feeling in Congress was less critical than it had been and Senator William F. Knowland ( Republican , California ) , a lively critic of the administration , supported it over Korean aid while castigating the administration for the serious economic plight in which the Koreans found themselves .
4 It was more adaptable and was less expensive as it had the quality of being effective , whether richly ornamented or not .
5 In fact , this decision was less revolutionary than it appeared : Bush has brought the deadline forward from 2000 , as laid down under the Montreal Protocol , to 1995 , but the EC had already decided to adopt a 1997 deadline and the US had been lagging behind world opinion .
6 Yet the Berlin settlement was less stable than it looked .
7 The work was less skilled than it had been formerly since no women made up a whole garment , but rather worked on one fragment of the process , for instance sewing up side-seams all day , every day .
8 Outside Europe the struggle in the sugar islands was less destructive than it had been 50 or 60 years earlier .
9 John Stevenson feels that this urban migration was important in restructuring the population of Britain , although Glynn and Oxborrow argue that this internal migration was less marked than it had been in the nineteenth century — being about one third of its former level .
10 Although the influence of Cubism on the German painters was less direct than it had been in the development of Futurism ( the work of Delaunay which the Germans most admired , for instance , was no longer really Cubist at all ) , unlike the Italians the Germans made no attempt to disguise their interest in the movement , and several of the artists of the Blaue Reiter actually thought of themselves as Cubist painters .
11 This action was endorsed by the National Association of Unions in the Textile Trade ( NAUTT ) and the matter was put to the employers who responded by suggesting that British industry was less competitive than it had been before the return to the gold standard and the reflation of the pound , and suggested that wages should be reduced by 8 per cent .
12 Fortunately for the Labour Party , the position of the Tories as the party of government was less secure that it appeared to be in the late '50s .
13 In fact , however , de Gaulle 's position was less secure than it appeared .
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