Example sentences of "was a [adj] period [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was a phenomenal period of renewal , embarked upon by the Conservatives and maintained with vigour by Labour .
2 In parish churches , however , there was a long period of stagnation , although there were improvements in standards and taste , and until the time of Vatican II there had been few developments in the Liturgy and its music .
3 There was a further period of tussles for power until the ageing grandson of Bruce and son of Walter and Marjory at last reached the throne in his own right as Robert II , and gave to the royal house the name which would remain as Stewart until Mary , Queen of Scots , altered its spelling to Stuart .
4 Faced with that dilemma the plaintiffs chose to endeavour to run the business to an early sale and that is what they did my Lord and er the premises were put back on the market er in the early part of nineteen eighty six and er it is pleaded that er in in paragraph six statement of claim , that in May er a buyer came forward but that sale did not go ahead er because there were unreasonable delays on the part of the purchaser erm and er the deal fell through but then again in July er after the business had ceased trading , another buyer was found and then there was a lengthy period of negotiations at the conclusion of which the sale price was reduced because at that stage the plaintiff 's landlord was going to increase the rent er and the plaintiffs were at that stage under threat of forfeiture and eventually contracts were exchanged on the sixth of November nineteen eighty six the sale price being eighty one thousand five hundred and er completion was on the fifth of December nineteen eighty six .
5 There was a blank period of no-memory , like a black dreamless sleep , followed by a slow awakening to events too horrific to contemplate .
6 Luke , even though his order of material is basically the same as Mark , tries to give the impression that it was a longer period of time ( see Luke 19:47 ; 20:1 ; 21:38 ; 22:1 , 7 ) .
7 ‘ Boy labour ’ in all spheres was a transient period of employment , and even in the more essential areas of work boys would lose their jobs — whether as ‘ nippers ’ or ‘ handy lads ’ in factories , or as van boys and messenger boys — when they reached early maturity and lost their enthusiasm for boyish wages .
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