Example sentences of "with a variety [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Visitors to its New York headquarters were confronted with pictures of both domestic animals and livestock all discreetly shielding their private parts with a variety of strange garments .
2 Heclo and Wildavsky adopt an anthropological tone when they speak of the British policy-making system in Whitehall concerned with public expenditure as a ‘ village community with a variety of subtle norms about the type of behaviour which is acceptable and unacceptable , praiseworthy and condemnable .
3 With a variety of subtle tricks , morphological , behavioural and biochemical , these social symbionts are accepted into otherwise closed ant societies .
4 In communications , given that the course deals with a variety of political relationships , disagreement between staff would have to be more overtly ideological ; the course itself is easily open to charges of left-wing bias .
5 SCOTVEC is taking an active role in discussions with a variety of funding bodies to try to secure their commitment to general SVQs and Skillstart .
6 New Zealand has a network of ‘ backpackers ’ — small hostels , independently run , with a variety of sleeping facilities ( dormitory , family room , double room etc ) , and costing about £5 per person per night .
7 The decision maker is , in general , faced with a variety of possible actions and an uncertainty about the possible consequences of each action .
8 Ragamuffin style : these felt hats come in different colours with a variety of sewn-on shapes and are £47 from Rap , 60 Neal St , London WC2 .
9 The responsibility for meeting national statutory reporting requirements rests with Dymo 's local offices , where reports are prepared with a variety of general ledgers .
10 Although pupils with little or no sight will , with training , be able to cope with a variety of environmental situations and even obstacles such as odd chairs , waste-paper baskets or sharp-cornered pieces of furniture scattered or left about in unexpected places , these are an unnecessary and possibly harmful source of trouble for those with visual problems .
11 Peace and Conflict Studies graduates are particularly well qualified for careers with , for example , public and private agencies concerned with conflict and its resolution , or with a variety of international organizations and institutions .
12 As he reached the door , with a variety of helpful obstructions he shouted his Parthian shot — ‘ You ca n't bloody have it both ways … ’
13 For example , in Israel , a special project designed to improve the performance of indigenous paraprofessionals in their work with a variety of needy groups , including families on public assistance , homebound elderly persons , residents of low-income housing projects , and discharged prisoners , the best results were achieved when ‘ parallel training ’ was provided for the professional social workers and indigenous paraprofessionals involved ( Kestenbaum , et al . ,
14 Imprisonment , for example , causes physical discomfort , psycho-logical pain , indignity and general unhappiness along with a variety of other disadvantages ( such as impaired prospects for employment and social life ) .
15 A period of personal retreat followed this exhausting tour and the rumour , expounded even by Knopfler himself , that Straits had split seemed underlined both by the band 's non-activity and the growing involvement of the frontman with a variety of other artists .
16 The National Curriculum sections of the ERA , essentially centralising and directive in character , sit uneasily with a variety of other arrangements which undermine the Local Education Authority as intermediary between centre ( DES ) and periphery ( school ) : ‘ opting out ’ , City Technology Colleges ( CTCs ) , open enrolment , local management of schools ( LMS ) .
17 In spite of this anti-social habit , nettles are of considerable use in many ways , including culinary ; they contain vitamins A and C and , it is said , more iron than spinach , together with a variety of other minerals .
18 Depending on the activator , a single excited mineral may radiate at several different wavelengths ; for example , apatite CL may be green , yellow , pink , violet or white , with a variety of rare earths acting as activators .
19 TQM is now integrated into Divisional management meetings with a variety of specific initiatives being pursued across the Group .
20 The importance of such ‘ educated ’ minds lay , of course , in their presumed ability to cope with a variety of industrial processes , including the total environment of modern production .
21 Museums such as the Victoria & Albert have responded to these pressures by experimenting with a variety of fund-raising schemes : commercial sponsorship of exhibitions and galleries , the establishment of ‘ friends ’ and — perhaps most controversially — the implementation of entrance charges .
22 Writers on architecture such as J. C. Loudon in the 1830s and George Godwin in the 1840s , interest themselves in the houses of the poor ; while in the latter decade not only Dickens but many other novelists are concerned with a variety of living spaces for which the middle class home , rather than the aristocrat 's , sets the standard .
23 In addition , serum antibodies to gangliosides , particularly monosialoganglioside , have been reported in patients with a variety of neurological conditions and those without neurological disease .
24 Howe , reflecting on the result of his survey in Marks & Spencer , drew attention to the importance of employees ' being able to cope — in both work and other activities — with a variety of complex situations through talk .
25 They are at a stage when they are likely to be concerned with a variety of complex issues ; the meaning of life , the existence of God , ideologies , their emerging sexuality , their future career and life-style — too often science is seen as being purely instrumental with nothing to contribute to these debates .
26 In the mid 1970s , for example , the police fell out with a number of crime reporters and charged them in separate proceedings with a variety of criminal offences .
27 Football is on a slippery slope with a variety of rival activities vying for the undivided attention of the faithful .
28 Marion does not qualify for a maintenance grant because her parents are well off , but they are also estranged , from each other and from her , so she is obliged to support herself at University with a variety of part-time jobs .
29 The remaining 2% was inferred from the results of interoperability tests with a variety of true-Blue implementations , says the company .
30 Its pollen assemblage is dominated by Gramineae , Cyperaceae , and Ericaceae , with a variety of open-ground herbs , all of which occur today on Lewis .
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