Example sentences of "you ca [adv] [vb infin] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although step time and real time are both available here , the RY10 is n't the most versatile of machines in the programming department : there 's that limit of 16 steps per pattern and due to the velocity limitations you ca n't record dynamic performances .
2 Although step time and real time are both available here , the RY10 is n't the most versatile of machines in the programming department : there 's that limit of 16 steps per pattern and due to the velocity limitations you ca n't record dynamic performances .
3 For the spectrum of office graphics applications , you ca n't beat OKI colour printers for superb quality output .
4 They 're they 're fine , but I think y you ca n't beat real ones
5 In my enormous experience , you ca n't beat liquid manure three times a week Mr Thrower .
6 Do n't forget details : particularly in rented property , where you ca n't make substantial alterations , you can still make an enormous difference with carefully chosen accessories : sets of matching storage jars , wooden spice racks , kitchen roll holders , pretty tea towels , bunches of herbs , onions or dried flowers , interesting canisters-old or new ; plants ; posters ; prints ; and last , but by no means least , good-looking cookware .
7 This is a good time when you ca n't make rude noises
8 Well somebody else told me that I mean er er the wine connoisseurs say who would drink that stuff you ca n't drink red wine .
9 Well as I say you ca n't stain varnished wood Nina .
10 The consultation at present is on teachers and the Department for Education 's view is , that those regulations should not be extended to teachers , but the support of the Director of Education , County Fire Officer and County Treasurer we have erm , suggested that any change to the local government superannuation scheme should be extended to those other groups , because quite frankly you ca n't complicate different arrangements if you simple take the score .
11 'Cos , like , just 'cos you 're gettin' on a bit does n't mean you ca n't wear fab gear an' pull groovy chicks an' that .
12 You ca n't do ordinary biscuits ?
13 Look , if you ca n't do sharing sums , give your readings to my assistant .
14 Well it 's , it 's not so much a suggestion it 's more that you ca n't do multiplicational area until
15 You ca n't eat damp bread .
16 I 'm not against that , but you ca n't leave young thugs loose to go round terrorising honest folk .
17 You ca n't grow pukka skunk because marijuana needs between six and 12 weeks of 12-hour nights to flower .
18 Erm we , we have of course , we 've got a , we have a congress each year , which erm we , each Guild is allowed to send one delegate and so really , we always stress at the top level that erm you know , it 's you that run the Guild you ca n't blame head office , the Nat National Executive , because you 're the ones who send the people to the top , are n't you ?
19 It 's not too tall , so you ca n't expect vast expansion potential — it has two 5.25-inch and one 3.5-inch free drive bays .
20 You ca n't expect ordinary people in this situation to live like hermits , and it would be unreasonable to expect Charles and Diana to live like hermits .
21 You ca n't expect fried eggs to be all tidy .
22 Let a rug or painting suggest or inspire the colour scheme ; if you ca n't revamp old curtains ( though beware ! re-making can sometimes be just as expensive as starting afresh ) turn them into cushions ; cut down carpets which no longer fit but are too good to be thrown out , and make them into small rugs .
23 Yes , I mean , I feel very strongly in terms of women 's rights , but I think there are obviously a lot of differences between women and you ca n't generalize women , the same as you ca n't generalize individual personalities traits on for men .
24 You ca n't have normal family relationships with this going on .
25 The politician is the organ of society for having its cake and eating it , for escaping , if only for a moment , if only through a form of art — art is , after all , a means of escape — from the grimness of reality , from this grim fact that you ca n't have the cake and eat it , that you ca n't have public expenditure increased in excess of the rate of increase of the national product , unless private claims are correspondingly surrendered .
26 You ca n't have bony teeth .
27 Well alright , but sales and production are easily quantified , you ca n't have measurable standards for everything .
28 You ca n't have minor fourths and fifths .
29 First of all , you ca n't work full time , even if you want
30 But then , as she said herself , you ca n't help other people unless you yourself have suffered .
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