Example sentences of "that he did not want [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When Val was gone , Roland realised , with a shock like a religious conversion , that he did not want their way of life to go on .
2 However , I soon realized that he did not want their friendship to grow into love .
3 Hopkins 's attitude to the publication of his poetry had always been ambivalent , but his habit of sending copies to Bridges indicates that he did not want them lost .
4 No ! he would shout , and make it clear that we would not discuss it … he used an expletive that I have not used , indicating that he did not want me to raise that subject with him . ’
5 The fact that he forbade an official biography — as early as 1925 , he had decided that he did not want one — has suggested to many people that such a biography would necessarily be of a scandalous nature .
6 Mr. Hallworth 's evidence was that he did not want her to enter into the transaction , but she said she wanted to go ahead with it .
7 She could hardly descend on Giovanna Sassanta 's house without an appointment , and Anthony had made it abundantly clear that he did not want her to cross the threshold of his hospital .
8 All he said was that he did not want anyone ‘ fishing about ’ in his private life .
9 Odd-Knut — whose English was good enough to know that he did not want us to call him ‘ Odd ’ — suggested that he could leave us near the Finnish border and we could ski or walk the last bit .
10 By the time he got outside Adam was already there , telling the man in the handkerchief hat that he did n't want him to come any more , he was going to sell the house .
11 When he introduced me to her , just before the wedding , he sort of … well , he did n't come out and say it , but he got the message over that he did n't want her to know I was gay .
12 Then I realized that he did n't want one to respond , that a response of almost any kind would have interrupted his flow , and the politest thing to do was follow the ADC 's example and just listen .
13 He meant that he did n't want it to be .
14 At least when that happened , she would stop feeling his rejection so poignantly — stop caring about the fact that she disgusted him so much that he did n't want anything to do with her except sexually , and that against his will and to the damage of his self-respect .
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