Example sentences of "that we [vb mod] hear the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So as that we 'll hear the telephone all over the house .
2 Come to us , God of justice , that we may hear the cries of the dispossessed in every land , calling us , like Jesus the healer , to walk with them in the search for justice and mercy .
3 I hope that we shall hear the Solicitor-General tell us shortly that such an amendment has the approval and support of the Government .
4 Therefore , will he arrange another debate before the summit so that we can hear the views of the right hon. Member for Blaenau Gwent ( Mr. Foot ) and establish whether all ex-leaders of the Labour party support its present policy ?
5 Can you be quiet please , so that we can hear the people who want to speak .
6 We 're amazed that we can hear the people downstairs , cos we can hear them like , you know , if you hear somebody above you , walking here dong dong dong dong , above , you can hear it for some reason , below on the ground floor .
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