Example sentences of "is a [adj] amount [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But it is a substantial amount of money and we have tried the conventional means of reclaiming it without success .
2 ‘ There is a substantial amount of money which is unaccounted for . ’
3 There is a substantial amount of evidence for peasant discontent before 1381 , most of it ( as far as existing evidence shows ) being concentrated in the Central and East Midlands and in the Home Counties , precisely those parts of England where manorialization was most fully developed .
4 Failure to state reasons , or adequate reasons , is frequently invoked as a ground of annulment before the European Court ; and as a result there is a substantial amount of case law on the subject .
5 The capacity of these may be several days ' supply , and , with a more or less continuous inflow , the level changes little , and there is a substantial amount of clarification while standing .
6 There is a limited amount of money available for these payments , so social fund officers have to look at the needs of all those who apply for help and decide which needs can be met .
7 In his gigantic sum over histories there is a vast amount of interference between the contributions of neighbouring paths which have a tendency to cancel each other out .
8 This is a vast amount of energy saved , sufficient to justify conservation being referred to as ‘ the fifth fuel ’ .
9 For longer sentences there is a vast amount of garbage collection required .
10 There is a vast amount of material ’ , says Degenhart , ‘ perhaps too much .
11 There is a vast amount of information available either in printed form or through computer networks .
12 An inevitable by-product of all that the executive branch as a whole does is a vast amount of information , which assemblies need if they are to carry out their roles of law ratification and oversight of the bureaucracy .
13 Although it is difficult to compare the publications of today with the comics of the 1950s , it must be pointed out that there is a surprising amount of science in today 's comics .
14 Tests have proven that a room where there is a reasonable amount of humidity will retain human impulses for up to four days in such vapour banks .
15 This is a financial manager , usually a solicitor or accountant , who charges for services , and this is appropriate where there is a reasonable amount of capital .
16 Seats are comfortable and supportive and there is a reasonable amount of room in the rear seats .
17 Look carefully , too , at the base of the coral , whether it is a mushroom or encrusting type , and check that there is a reasonable amount of rock attached .
18 There is a similar amount of activity in the United States , Japan , Canada , France , Germany , Switzerland , Holland and Sweden .
19 The galley is compact , but there is a good amount of stowage and the cook is provided with the luxury of a pizzo ignition , three-burner Force 10 cooker .
20 ‘ The price you pay is a tremendous amount of stress , and a ragged social and home life ; what for ? ’ she asks .
21 THERE is a tremendous amount of movement in your chart for much of December which may indicate situations that once appeared irredeemably stuck now do a 180-degree shift .
22 ‘ There is a tremendous amount of poverty , unemployment and deprivation here but that is no excuse for the extent of crime we are suffering .
23 For one thing , there is a tremendous amount of scrubland nearby — especially on the flanks of the Cheddar Gorge — and this acts as a reservoir for foxes .
24 There is a terrific amount of power in the Duncan Distortion and here it is being put to the best possible use .
25 Housing estates lie below the canal on both sides although there is a deceptive amount of greenery about .
26 There is a small amount of water in it , but hardly any flow .
27 This is a small amount in relation to our subscriptions which reached one million pounds for the first time but it does pose problems .
28 There is a certain amount of choice and
29 Yes there is a certain amount of stress in competition , but it 's er , in a different way .
30 The synonymy of ‘ specialty ’ , enumerated by Chubin shows the close links between the social and the disciplinary aspects of scientific communities , or , as Smith puts it , ‘ there is a certain amount of congruence between documental and social structures . ’
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