Example sentences of "is assumed that the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , it is assumed that the scope for economies of scale in the fertilizer industry would be similar to those in the petrochemical industry .
2 It is assumed that the way in which a text is organised highlights specific communicative functions .
3 If it is assumed that the system of corporate enterprise is the most efficient system for the creation of wealth , should it therefore be concluded that corporate power is legitimate ?
4 It is assumed that the evaluation of particular practices in particular contexts is more relevant to the educational and professional needs of teachers and schools and therefore more likely to result in improvement .
5 In other words it is assumed that the difficulty of the item will be the same for any individual irrespective of his or her previous learning experiences etc .
6 Similarly it is assumed that the conditions under which the reading will take place are the same as those of writing which are usually a clean well-lit office .
7 In medical practice , and especially in medical economics , it is assumed that the identification of a foetus with a disability by amniocentesis ( CVS ) will inevitably lead to an abortion .
8 It is assumed that the interior of the cap was lined with soft leather .
9 It is assumed that the nature of members ' complaints against their union is such as to warrant special support , but why is this so ?
10 If it is assumed that the alternative to investing in equity is to invest in bonds , then , in the long run , it would be expected that the returns to these two investments would be equal after allowing for risk differentials .
11 Here , it is assumed that the severity of any language problem is indicated by the extent to which a child 's language differs from that found among other children of a similar age .
12 The variance-covariance matrix of equation errors is then : where is the variance of and is the variance of t and , to ensure that the structural parameters in the model are identified , it is assumed that the covariance between and t is zero .
13 But we do not generally fall into the trap of believing that a statistical correlation between two variables demonstrates that one is the cause of the other ; it is assumed that the actuation of language change is multi-causal , and we have frequently demonstrated that the speaker-variables interact with one another ( that is , that no speaker-variable all by itself can ‘ explain' a given configuration of language ) .
14 It is assumed that the eigenvalues in unc ( and the corresponding eigenvectors in X ) are so ordered that unc has the eigenvalues unc in descending order of magnitude down the diagonal , so that 1 and the first vector in X define the fundamental frequency and mode .
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