Example sentences of "is widely [vb pp] that the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This attitude to non-verbal communication has been encouraged by the popularisation of right-brain left-brain studies and amongst those who sponsor the soft primitivism that I have just referred to it is widely assumed that the verbal capabilities of the left cerebral hemisphere have been over-developed by a culture which puts too much emphasis on linguistic finesse and that the expressive repertoire of the supposedly holistic right hemisphere has been dangerously neglected as a consequence .
2 It is widely accepted that the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century was preceded by a long period of gradual economic growth , but when the upturn began remains uncertain .
3 It is widely accepted that the next ten years presents the Health Service with a manpower problem .
4 It is widely accepted that the spiral pattern formed by the stars of a galaxy like our own is produced by a density wave moving through the stars .
5 It is widely recognised that the classical technique can and does prove a stable basis fur all styles of dance .
6 It is widely believed that the vast luminosity ( up to 10 45 ergs -1 ) arising from a very compact volume ( a light-year or less ) in quasars and Seyfert galaxies are powered by black holes with masses of the order of 10 9 M and ; , and that such black holes should reside in the nuclei of many , perhaps most galaxies as luminous as the Milky Way .
7 It is widely believed that the British clothing industry is in a terminal state of decline due to lack of international competitiveness .
8 It is widely held that the increased basal acid secretion in patients with duodenal ulcer disease is determined by vagal drive rather than circulating gastrin .
9 At the same time , the basic insight of Ohmann 's approach continues to have linguistic validity : it is widely held that the basic logical content of a sentence can be represented as a ( set of ) elementary propositions , which , together with their interrelations , constitute its " deep structure " or " semantic representation " . "
10 It is widely known that the new repository will run on AIX and OS/2 , but it may surprise many that the thing is also up under OS/400 as well as on Ultrix , HP-UX and Solaris and that IBM has funded development work internally for it to appear on these non-IBM versions .
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