Example sentences of "is sometimes [verb] that [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes an observant parent will notice something that will give us a clue ; after a child recovers from one of those high fevers that ‘ lay it very low ’ for a short time it is sometimes seen that the child is more ‘ well ’ than before it became ‘ ill ’ , provided the illness has not been inappropriately treated or interfered with in some way .
2 It is sometimes argued that a science of religion is a contradiction in terms .
3 It is sometimes argued that the firm has actually replaced the family as the central focus of social existence .
4 It is sometimes argued that the rise of institutional investment and the decline of individual direct investment in large public companies means that the traditional model of the shareholder controlling the directors of the company is once again a realistic one .
5 It is sometimes argued that the loss of lambs is partly the shepherd 's fault : that greater care for the flock would cut down losses to predators .
6 Now it is sometimes argued that the Reform Bill was deliberately framed so as to preclude the threat of a revolution founded on such an alignment , one in which a middle-class bourgeoisie would have provided the leadership and the lower classes the sheer mass , the numbers needed to carry it out ; and shrewdly calculated to concede just so much as was needed to reduce to a manageable scale the gathering political unrest which might have led to just such a convulsion .
7 Against these criticisms of direct investment abroad , it is sometimes argued that the profits generated by the foreign factory will be a long-term benefit to all UK citizens .
8 Although it is sometimes realized that the demands of public sector accountability and decision making in a political context can serve to limit the extent to which concepts of efficiency derived from the private sector can be applied uncritically in the public sector domain , there nevertheless remains a feeling that much more could be done to improve resource utilisation .
9 It is sometimes felt that the Borough Council , although they seek the views of local representatives , ignore these when coming to decisions on planning matters which will have a profound effect on local residents .
10 The claim is sometimes made that the capacity of British industry to achieve higher absolute levels of investment has been weakened by declining rates of profit [ Flemming et al. , 1976 ] .
11 Certainly , it is sometimes said that a claim for conspiracy gives the plaintiff procedural advantages , but the reality of this may turn on how far it is to be held on ordinary principles that instigation or procurement suffices to make a person who does not participate in the act a joint tortfeasor .
12 It is sometimes said that the offender must have been deliberately and flagrantly flouting the law .
13 It is sometimes said that the difference of sex is of no more significance than the difference of race .
14 It is sometimes claimed that the Candida derives nourishment from yeasts in food , but this is not the case .
15 It is sometimes suggested that the inconvenience , misery and personal tragedy caused by the war outweighed the appeals of patriotism .
16 It is sometimes suggested that the absence of note-taking can be a help to the informant , in that it frees him from the inhibiting effects of a recorder and a notebook .
17 ‘ It is sometimes suggested that the closure of rural schools will accelerate depopulation .
18 ( d ) It is sometimes suggested that the banks should be left to their civil remedies , and that they should check their clients more carefully .
19 ( b ) Counternotices Where the initiator of the review is required to specify the proposed new rent it is sometimes provided that the figure so specified shall be the new rent unless the other party serves a counternotice within a given period .
20 With regard to the United Kingdom 's special treatment in the context of Economic and Monetary Union , it is sometimes forgotten that the EEC Treaty has from the outset required , under Articles 103 and 105 , co-ordination of economic policy and exchange rate policy , and in Opinion 1/91 the European Court also suggested that the attainment of Economic and Monetary Union was already a Community objective ; it should therefore hardly be a surprise that the ECU has been defined in a series of regulations enacted under Article 235 .
21 They do have a medical examination as part of the process of coming here and in the course of that medical examination it is sometimes disclosed that a woman is or is not a virgin , and that is sometimes noted on the medical report and from time to time some ECO 's have used that piece of evidence in making a decision about the relationship of the wife ; I have always condemned it and by and large it does not happen .
22 We do not need here to rehearse the contentious issues which surround integration , but it is sometimes aimed that the placement of a child in a mainstream school constitutes integration , or , in any event , that we all understand the same meaning of this term .
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