Example sentences of "is [art] reason for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gaining parental attention and praise is a vital part of the programme as often the parents ' lack of interest is the reason for the problem having continued .
2 That is the reason for the presence of the low F on the 2nd clarinet in the final chord — a note which is not in the original piano score .
3 This is the reason for the invention of the electron microscope which uses electrons with a wave-length of something like a twenty-fifth of an Ångström instead of light with a wave-length of about four thousand Ångströms .
4 This style of writing focuses on facts rather than abstractions : this explains the differences in the views of Dicey and Jennings on the subject of sovereignty ; it is the reason for the disagreement between Dicey and Robson over whether or not we have administrative law ; and it is reflected in Willis 's argument against Hewart that the test of the existence of the ‘ new despotism ’ was to be found in the way in which the powers were actually used rather than how the form of the power cut across abstract constitutional principles .
5 From here it is a short leap to the conclusion that , in all comparable cases , a difference of emphasis is the reason for the variation .
6 Softly be it stated , but that is the reason for the difference between the decision of the Court of Appeal in Anisminic … and the House of Lords .
7 This is the reason for the ungrammaticality of : ( 40 ) the only book missing readable is Twyford 's Lives of the Slovak Saints By contrast , the examples of ( 41 ) are fully acceptable : ( 41 ) the only readable book missing is the one I told you about the only missing book readable is the one already mentioned The same contrast is seen in ( 42 ) beside the two cases of ( 43 ) which are both grammatically acceptable ( although not of course quite identical in meaning ) : ( 42 ) *one journalist striking accessible is Jana Flynn ( 43 ) one striking journalist accessible is Jana Flynn one accessible journalist striking is Jana Flynn The restriction is general , applying even if the particular adjectives concerned are ones which can normally appear postnominally .
8 However , a central element in the common-law doctrine of provocation is the reason for the loss of self-control .
9 There is no reason for the law to seek to encourage a woman to reconcile with a violent and sexually brutal man .
10 In a libertarian world there is no reason for the government to do anything about the poor ; the matter is conveniently left to private charity .
11 There is no reason for the School not to have been in operation very soon after Sir Edmond 's death .
12 But there is no reason for the Community to get involved in employment legislation , which must be for each country to decide for itself .
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